22. Trouble

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Stacie P.O.V

I made my way to the dining hall to eat my dinner. Taylor sat on a table in the corner of the room. I made my way over to her.

"Hey wheres Aiden?" I asked her

"He's probably got detention or something" she shrugged.

I started to eat my sandwich when Taylor pointed out the new girl in our school. I hadn't seen her up until this point. I looked up when I saw her.

No! It couldn't be! It's Beth.

But she had to stay away from me. She can't be here. I thought she was still living at the care home picking on some other innocent little kid and whinging to Jack about how much she hates me. I must of spaced out or something because Taylor started waving a hand in front of my face.

Beth looked in our direction. I quickly turned the other way, and hoping to God she didn't see me.

"What's wrong with you do you know her?" Taylor asked me.

"It's Beth, the girl that bullied me so I found Danny and the guys. She made my life hell since I moved into the care home" I said, my face turning white and I could feel tears threatening to fall. I furiously blinked them back. I refused to cry.

Beth P.O.V

I grabbed a piece of cake from the counter and made my way across the cafeteria to sit down. The table was not that far from Stacie. I coukd see her eyes shining with tears. Oh God! Here she goes again, making everyone feel sorry for her.

I finished my cake just in time before the bell rang so I made my way to maths. I sat in the middle row at the end. Stacie and Aiden walked in. They both kept their heads down and made their way to their seats.

"Since you are getting a test next week, I suggest you all revise. I am going to put you into groups then you have to work together to answer the questions on the quiz. The group with the most points at the end wins" The teacher said.

I zoned out until I heard her reach my name.

"Beth with Tom, Aiden and Lauren"

I made my way over to my groups table, taking a seat next to Aiden. Lauren and Tome started writing down the answers not wanting any help from me and Aiden.

"So I take it you know Stacie?" I asked him but it was more of a statement. He nodded his head.

"She's such a cow!" I harshly whispered to him. "I used to know her and all she did was spread lies about me, it was because of these lies that she met The Script. I think they just felt sorry for her. But all I'm saying is that she's a liar and you can't trust her at all" I said just loud enough so he could hear me but no one else could.

He raised one eyebrow but didn't question me.

The bell rang soon after signalling the lesson was over. My group didn't win though. I made my way to physics. Stacie and her friends weren't in this class. I sat next to a group of 'populars' the most popular girls in our year, the queen bee was called Kourtney, and showed them a picture of Stacie and The Script together. They loved The Script and would do anything to meet them.

"Wait so Danny adopted her. So she knows The Script? OMG! That's so cool" They all screeched. I smirked to myself.

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