29. Home sweet home #2

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*Danny P.O.V*

I stepped off the plane, breathing in the fresh Ireland air as I did so. It felt good to be on land after flying for days.

Mark was putting his phone away whilst leading the rest of us to collect our bags and wait for Rina to come and pick us up. Reece, Ben and Rodney were getting their girlfriends to come and meet them as they did every time we were back in Ireland.

It wasn't long before Rina appeared from the crowd of busy people being reunited with loved ones, who had obviously just returned from their travels, and the ones who were sharing their final goodbyes with hugs and kisses more meaningful than those in a church. it was obvious the people who were in love and the ones who were just with someone because they didn't want to be alone.

Mark and Rina shared a passionate kiss and a long hug before she greeted us. You could tell they loved each other. I was happy that Mark had found the one person who will make him happy, love him, and share every last moment with him. He deserved that. Sometimes I think he doesn't get enough appreciation for who he is. No one really gets how hard it is to leave your wife and kids whilst you go to loads of different countries to perform every night. I know he tries to see the positive outcome of it all, but I also know how devastated he is whenever he is away for one of his kids birthdays or school plays, his anniversary to Rina or just missing his kid grow up. Rina tries her hardest. She really does. She skypes him almost every night with the kids, that was how Mark got to watch Luke's first steps. He was crying and smiling and just amazed at what his son had achieved that day but I know he feels guilty about missing it.

We got in their car and drove off. She asked us about the tour and told us it was a good thing we were putting Stacie before our jobs as some celebrities get so caught up in the fame and riches off it all, they forget what really matters. They leave behind their family and friends. They get big, pointless houses when there is only two people living there and shop in all the expensive shops just to live up to the expectations society gives them. They have to dress in the latest trends, they have to have their hairs dyed and styled to perfection, they have to have their faces caked in make up in order to look beautiful.

It's wrong.

It just gives the rest of us unrealistic images of what 'perfection' really is. You end up comparing yourself to a celebrity then you start to feel down because you realise that you will never look as pretty as them. They don't show you that it's all fake. The hair, the make up, the clothes. It's all an act in order to be accepted as famous. You want to be skinny like them so you starve yourself causing anorexia and eating disorders that could damage you for the rest of your life. You want to have the perfect skin so you buy every product out there only to realise you've wasted your money on products that don't work and your skin is still the same as it was before. You want perfect hair so you try and dye it yourself, even when your parents refuse to let you at such a young age, and it ends up going green which makes you feel worse about yourself.

I'm glad the media don't know about Stacie. I don't think she could cope with that. The photographers at every corner, the media printing false background stories and lies just to sell to young children and earn a bit of money for themselves, the idea of being some ones role model is hard, exhausting work and there is too much pressure put in that label for a kid like Stacie to have.

I couldn't wait to surprise her.

It had just gone 5pm. She would normally be in her room now, doing her homework or doing a bit of internet shopping which I know she loved to do. Half of the stuff she won't buy but just likes the look of. I don't really understand the excitement of shopping, it stresses me out too much. I can never find anything I like or anything that suits me and it's just became a nightmare since more people recognised my face now. Fans stop me in the middle of the supermarket or shopping centre for a photo or signature, which I usually don't mind, but sometimes I wish I could just be left alone.

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