27. Phone call

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It was drawing to the end of the month now. November was just around the corner, you could feel the change in the temperature as soon as you step out the door.

For the last few weeks I had resorted to isolating myself. I can't stand to be by anyone for more than half an hour, I get ashamed to look people in the eye, but most of all I felt empty. The three people who I care the most for haven't had a chance to speak to me as much as they used to because of the time difference in the other countries. They were in Australia this week headlining some popular music festival that happens over there.

School was the same as before with Kourtney making snide comments at me every time I walk past her, they try to embarrass me, they imitate me and in general do stupid stuff that gets to me but not enough to class as bullying or get anyone involved. Taylor and Aiden try their hardest to avoid me, and when they do see me they just give me a small sympathetic nod and carry on walking.

I've become the loner of the school now. I guess it's my own fault though. If I hadn't of deserted Taylor and Aiden for the queen bee, then everything would be okay. They would be sitting here laughing about something stupid Aiden had done, or I would be laughing at the sarcastic comments coming from Taylor in response to Aiden.

I'm sick of feeling full of self loathe for myself. The feeling of dread knowing it's going to be the exact same the next day. Alone and boring. Sometimes doing the same thing day in and day out can lead you to insanity.


I jumped at the sound of the school bell ringing,snapping me out of my thoughts. If someone could see some of my in most thoughts they would probably wonder why I'm not in a psychiatric hospital.

I walked out of the now empty classroom, closing the door behind me. The short walk to my locker was full of students hurriedly trying to race out of the building in a desperate bid to get out of here.

By the time I reached my locker, it wasn't that busy. I turned the key, put all of the necessary books and folders in my bag, grabbed my coat, then began the slow, lonely walk home from school.

I put my headphones in as I always do on the walk home, then began listening to some Green Day.

About 20 minutes later I arrived home to be greeted by Mandy.

"How was school today?" she asked me, looking up from the newspaper she was busy reading.

"It was fine" I responded, walking up the stairs to my bedroom.

I dumped my bag and got changed into some jeans and a top then lay on my bed, exhausted. I switched on my t.v. and watched a bit of scooby doo to pass the time.

After the show ended, I ate my tea of chicken salad that Mandy had prepared for me, then completed my homework. There wasn't much but I figured it would be easier to do it on a Friday night whilst I knew what to do than on a Sunday night where I would of forgotten everything.

There wasn't much else to do after that so I played some music whilst I read a fanfic about blink-182, then I had a bath. I changed into some comfy pyjamas then settled into bed ready to go to sleep despite it only being 9pm.

**I was standing in the middle of a field surrounded by people from my school, most of them. I had never even spoken to before. They all circled around me, yelling insults.

"Danny doesn't want you"
"You're a waste of space"
"Get lost"
"No one will ever like you"
They all taunted me with these phrases, repeating them over and over again. They started to move closer in on me. I felt like I was suffocating.

Suddenly they all vanished. In their place was The Script. they were a short distance away though so I started to run towards them. I reached Glen but then he pushed me away.

You Won't Feel A Thing (A The Script Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now