chapter 21

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Where have I been all my life? Meeting Harry has been such a roller coaster for me. Whats the next thing I will be introduced to? My world is spinning and I love it.

"Hey harry can I ask you something?" I roughly ask, nervous for what is about to come out of my mouth.

"Anything." He puts his hand on mine, and doesn't break eye contact with me.

"Have you ever done marijuana?" I ask him acting shy.

He laughs. I blush a little, embarrassed because of that stupid question.

"Andrea don't do that." He tells me.

"Don't do what?" I ask him confused and remove my hand from his grip.

"Your acting so shy and innocent it makes me want to force you down and.." He stops him self. Im glad he did because I honestly didn't want to hear whatever it was.

"Harry you didn't answer my original question." I tell him frowning and looking and my drink that is swiftly watering down into a mountain dew, powerade delight.

"Yes. Andrea yes I have. Do I regret it? No. Was it a good idea? No." He says, sounding a little harsh but im not startled or frightened of him in any way.

"I kind of want to try it." I tell him and force a little smile out.

"No! Absolutely not. Don't fuck your life up."Harry growls.

I stop talking. Im not going to argue with him about this, when I'm not educated enough about marijuana.

Who does he think he is? One time wont do anything. He must be afraid ill get addicted to the drug or something..

I know who could get it for me.

She came in our room smelling like it one day and it reeked.


I hug him back and lay down with him.

I rub harry's head until he falls asleep. The moment he is asleep I walk across the hall to my dorm and open my door. Luckily shes sitting on her bed writing a story with her earphones in. I tap on her shoulder and nearly give her a heart attack. She takes her ear buds out and looks at me.

"Can you get me weed?"

Her jaw drops in disbelief at my question.

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