Chapter 43

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My alarm goes off and Harry is already awake. Ready. Huh?

"How did you get up?" I ask him, shocked.

"An hour." Harry tells me with a smile.

I get up from the relaxing, comfortable bed and throw on my softest dress, along with black flats  and a jacket. I look hipster and adorable. I throw my hair up in a high bun than Harry and I leave.

"You excited?" Harry asks my grabbing my hand in his. He rubs my hand gently with his, using each of his fingertips to massage my knuckles.

I nod, telling him yes. Im so nervous it isn't even funny. Ive never been on a plane before, so the fact this first flight will be 9 hours, kind of frightens me. Ill have harry though so it is okay. He has done it before, and he is still alive.

When we get to the airport Harry checks us in and we get to security. They make me take my shoes, and jacket off. What is this? Feet porn? I don't understand the point of taking my shoes off but whatever. We finally get to the terminal that reads, 'Evesham, Worcestershire, England' Im guessing this is a small place considering we are taking the smallest plane, and only two other couples are in the same small room waiting for departure.

"Im so happy. I love you." Harry tells me with a slight kiss.

"Will your mother be there to pick us up?" I ask him. Im getting nervous already, I can tell.

"She will be standing right there when we arrive." Harry tells me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him and kissing me on my forehead.

"TERMINAL 8B PLEASE COME FOR DEPARTURE." A small Philippine woman calls on the announcer.

Harry grabs my hand and his suitcase in the other. I do the same, but with my suitcase. Of course. The woman looks at harry in 'that way' and I don't know why but it enrages me so I turn to harry and kiss him directly on the lips and indicate to him 'lets go'.

As we take our seat on the small plane Harry puts the arm rest up and I shoot closer to him, barely on my seat anymore. He wraps his arm around me and I do the same around his torso. We share a few kisses until the flight attendant walks up to do the safety procedure. I don't pay attention at all.

*Harrys POV*

When the annoying Mexican dyke walks away I return my focus on my beautiful girlfriend who I a desperately in love with.

"So about the lady that took our tickets?" I ask her, knowing she got mad when the woman looked at me. The girl was hideous and reminded me of a man. She had no figure, what does figure even matter? Any girl that I see is nothing compared to Andrea.

"Yeah, she pissed me off." Andrea tells me, I take it she doesn't want to talk, which is perfectly fine. But I do. I also want to finger her. Did I just think that? What the hell? Im sick.

"Why? Your afraid i'll fuck her as much as I fuck you?" I ask her with a wink. I would never fuck anyone like Andrea. She is my baby and as much as she makes me mad half the time I would never do anything to mess with our relationship in a bad way. She means to much to me.

"She looked at you wrong and I don't like that. No one should look at you like that. your mine, babe." She tells me and tightens her grip on me, hugging me tighter. She wants to stop the conversation. "I love you, okay."

I look at her and kiss her forehead. We are in the air when we stop talking and end up sleeping.

*Andrea's POV*

How long were we asleep?

I look at him and he is still asleep. Oops. I see the woman who did the safety procedure and call for her to come over, quietly.

"How much longer of the flight?" I ask her curiously.

"About an hour and a half. You missed breakfast, and lunch." She tells me and I thank her.

I decide to read a little. I grab a Seventeen magazine and begin reading. This magazine helps me so much. I get to the sex issue.

I feel harry breathing and Close the magazine fast. I look up at him and he is sound asleep. I open it back up. I read it a few times to notice the details I forgot to include the first time. I find a few flirt ideas to test on harry later on. About how to make it extra sexy. I flip the page and find a super cute hairstyle im aching to test on myself. England. I go back to sleep on his lap.

"PLEASE UNBUCKLE YOUR SEAT BELTS." I hear the overhead man say aloud. I blink a few times and look out the window. Weve landed. Oh my god. My heart is pumping in every direction, every rhythm. Every way possible.

Harry looks at me and I get off of him. I brush my hair with my fingers and make it presentable again. Harry gets my suitcase down, along with his and hands it to me. We get off the plane. Once were on the jet bridge, we hold hands and walk up the ramp. Im so nervous. Harry drops my hand and increases his pase toward his mother who is standing in a teal dress with heals on, Harry  is still taller than her. She is beautiful. I finally catch up to them and shake her hand.

"Hello im Andrea." I greet her.

"Ive heard so much about you, I mean when he actually calls me. Haha, Im Anne. Your dress is lovely, Andrea." She tells me and hugs me. Well okay, hugs.

"Thank you, ma'am. You look lovely as well." I reply to her and harry grips my hand, with a 'sorry I haven't seen my mum in a while and I wanted to hug her.' look.

We walk out of the airport. Harry puts my bag, along with his, in the trunk of the car, and I get in the car. Once he is done, he sits don beside me, wrapping his arms around me. Its not a far drive until we pull up to a smaller house than I pictured in my head, they both smile so I decide to join.

Harry grabs my bag and his. He pulls them both in and I follow, behind. Anne opens the door for us to walk in. I go before harry and wait by the door. This is awkward. I have no clue what to do. I look around. His house is so cute. Anne has is decorated and cleaned so well. When Harry enters the house I follow his to a room down the hall to the right. His room. Its blue with hockey everywhere. His bed is a king-size and looks very comfortable.

"You okay? Your barely talking." Harry says to me, walking over to grasp my cheeks in his hands.

"Im great! Im wonderful. I just don't know what to say this is a lot to take in. Im so thankful you allowed me to come." I tell him.

"What would I do? Leave you for two weeks? Never." He tells me than kisses me. A longer kiss than I expected.

"Harry, Andrea.. Come here. I have a surprise." I hear Annes voice. We turn to walk out and head to the Kitchen where Anne is. This is going to be a great Christmas.

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