Chapter 3

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I slowly opened my eyes as I hear my alarm clock go off. I sit up on my bed yawning while I stretch. I pushed myself up out of bed rubbing the sleep out of my eyes as I head to the bathroom. I threw my sleeping shirt off and and pushed my boxers down stepping out of them. I twisted the handles on the shower waiting for the water to heat up. Once the water was warm I hopped inside and began to wash myself.

Finishing my shower I pulled a towel around my waist and started off to my room closing the door behind me. I pulled a pair of boxers on and walked to my closet throwing out a pair of black jeans out on my bed along with a dark blue t-shirt. I got dressed and entered the hallway walking towards the kitchen. Once I stepped into the kitchen I noticed a plate covered in tinfoil with a note under it. ~left for work early. Made you something to eat. Love you. -Mom~ I rolled my eyes and threw the note into the trash and began to eat. Putting the plate into the sink I grabbed my bag and walked to the door pulling my black hoodie on with my shoes and started to school.
Walking down the walkway I place my earbuds in my ears and blasted my music pulling myself out of reality. I entered school with my hands in my pockets walking towards my locker. Opening it and pulling out the books I needed I placed them in my bag then closing the door. As I walked down the hall with my earbuds still in my ears I noticed people staring at me. Before i walked into the class a group of people gathered at the door. Curious at what they were doing I walked to them. They moved out of my way as I passed by them. I looked up into the room to see the guy from the store in my seat. I pulled my earbuds out and looked around. "Why's he here and sitting in Sam's seat?" One girl said. I looked down at the floor as I entered the room and walking straight up to him.

"Could you get out of my seat?" I muttered still staring at the ground.
"Why? Is this your seat?" He said with a little chuckle. This guy is really pissing me off. I ball up my fists and looked up to him in the seat with one leg crossed over the other in MY seat. "Yes it is, now move!" I said almost in a growl as I glared at him with anger.
"Omg, Mark needs to move or Sam is going to infect him with his gayness." "Ya and he had to sit in that seat of all the others really. Wow hope he doesn't get the freak's diseases." I heard the people behind me say in a laughter. I whip around and snarl at them as they jump trying to get behind the door. Hearing the sound of a chair being pulled out caused me to turn to the man stand up looking down at me. "I'm sorry I sat in your seat you can have it back." He said walking away from me to the door. "Hey guys I'm gonna go back now and so should you." He said winking as he left. I turn to my seat and sit down pulling out a book before class starts.


After first period ends students run to each other and started to chat. Some of them rush to the lunch room while others pull out a packed lunch and I was one of them. Pulling out my book I began to read as I ate. Whispers and chuckles filled my ears as I turn to see the guy called Mark standing in the door way talking to a girl. Everyone whispered about the conflict this morning as he stood there and me in the same room. Why did I ever think that jackass was hot? He's just a jerk.
Moving my eyes back to my book I heard footsteps walking toward me. Rolling my eyes I look up to see Mark smiling at me with one hand on his hip and the other on my desk. I groaned and pushed his hand off as he tried to stay balanced. "Go away" I said looking at my book. Not saying anything he pulled me from my chair and into his arms. I could feel my cheeks get hot when I pushed him away stumbling back. "Don't touch me!" I said in disguise looking him up and down. "Hey, you don't have to be so mean. We're all friends here." Mark said putting his arms up twisting back and forth in laughter. "No!" He immediately stopped and looked at me wide eyed. "No we're not! So just leave me alone!" I yell trying to hold back my tears. I turned to my desk and threw my stuff in my bag and ran out of the room.


Mark POV
"No we're not! So just leave me alone!" Sam yelled as his bright violet eyes started to fill with tears. He quickly grabbed his things and ran out of the room. Shocked at what just happened I stand there replaying his words back in my mind. "Wow! Sam's just full of trouble. He shouldn't yell at someone, he was so rude." Said a girl with dark brown hair while her friends nodded he agreement. "Hey dude you alright? Don't let that freak scare you. He never was accepted by others and he likes to be alone so let him." My friend says has be pats my back then quickly starts to talk the group of girls in the far left corner of the room. I shook my head and walked back to my class.

Sam wasn't in school the rest of the day and the teachers said that he went home feeling sick. Some people in the class laughed at him for leaving early, for nothing and that he was a crowd. My body shook in anger at them. I don't know why I getting mad at them, but the look in his eyes and the hatred I could see made my heart hurt. I placed my hand over my chest as I walked home.
The next day he wasn't at school or at work and I began to worry. I went to the book store the day after to see if he had shown but he didn't. Walking around the store I found the manager. "Um...excuse me do you know where Sam is?" I asked as she turned to me. She tilted her head as she looked at me. "Who are you? Are you his friend?" She questioned with her hands on her hips. I nodded letting her know I didn't what to harm him. She sighed and spoke "his mother call saying that he was not feeling well, which surprised me, he never misses work." The manager looked at me and stepped closer. "Hey can you check to see if he's alright. I can never tell he never talks around here, so if you say you're his friend make sure you take care of him." She says holding my hands. She pats my hands and walks off when I realized she had given me a piece of paper with his address on it.
I smile and walk out into the fresh open air. Holding the paper in my hands as I started for his house.

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