Chapter 10

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I sat in the empty classroom staring at my hands in my lap as the clock ticked away the minutes.

Sudden I heard the door click open slowly. Thinking it was the teacher, I continued to stare at my hands. But, soon I realized that I was wrong when I deep chuckle filled the empty space.

Snapping my head upward my eyes locked with one of my bullies, Jack Dawson, and like always his two little goons following not far behind.

I jumped up, snatching my bag and bolted for the door.

Racing out the doors of the school and into the parking lot. I look around for anything to help or a place to hide but I was too late, I was surrounded by the three thugs.

"You think you could ran from me, Sam? Well you got another thing coming." He growled at me with anger as the other two snickered.

But somethings was off. Jack's eyes softened but still glow with anger.

"And to think that Mark was using you. He thought he could fix you." He laughed "but you know all to well that he will soon be dragged down with you into your shit." He glared at me with a small smirk on his face.

I could feel my eyes widen at his words. 'What?.....No, he can't. Why?.....Its not true. I would never do that to him!' I screamed at myself, tears filling my eyes.

Then the first blow came. His fist colliding with my face. Suddenly the two goons grabbed my arms as I try to get free. But I couldn't. One after another, pain rushed through my body with each blow. I couldn't even save myself from this pain, how could I stop Mark from experiencing this too?




'A Fag'


As each blow hit me, I could feel the bruises form all over my body. As I lay there, defenseless, I could hear the stomping of feet on the hard gravel.

Suddenly Jack was thrown from me and into the hard ground. Mark on top of him, beating the shit out of him. You could see the emotion in his eyes as the flared up in utmost fury.

The other two snatched the hands away from me and hesitantly backing away until they were in full sprint, in a hurry to get out of here.

Still in shock, I watch as Jack is brutally mauled. Mark stops abruptly and locks his gorgeous emerald eyes with my violet ones.

Worry flashed across his face as he stared at me and then turning to the bloody mess under him. He lowered his hand and standing up, walking toward me in a rush.

As he picked me up bridal style, to carry me to his car, I flinched at his touch. He didn't seem to notice which I was thankful for. He felt so warm and strong. I gripped his shirt in my fist to keep from falling, but as I did so I could feel his strong, hard, toned muscles.

I blushed brightly. Hiding my tomato face in his shirt.

Once we got to his car, he quickly flung the door open settled me safely in the passenger seat and buckling me in.

The drive was filled with awkward silence as he drove and me looking out the window.

I didn't know where we were going but I didn't really care from my sore body.

Every so often I would sneak a quick peek at Mark. His chestnut hair falling in his eyes, he would flip his hair out of his shining green eyes.

Feeling my stare, he looked out of the corner of his eyes. A smirk formed on his flawless face and looked back at the road. Feeling my face heat up I turned back to the window.

Trees and shrubs passed by until a 2 story house painted in a light blue and white. Flowers and blossom plants surrounded the house. Mark pulled into the driveway and parked the car. He rushed around the car to my side and opened the door. Unbuckling me and picking me up once more before walking into the house.

The house had this warm homy feeling to it. Like it was filled with laughter and fun and most importantly, love.

He carried me up the stairs that wrapped around the living room to a hallway. Mark made his way down the hall slowing his pace as he stepped toward the last door at the end of the hall.

I could feel myself get nervous and wiggled in his grasp. I low chuckle resonated from him, making his chest rumble.

He pushed the door open, revealing a room with light yellow walls and a white carpet. The color of the walls looked like they faded over the years as well as the white carpet that looks more tan than white.

Setting me on the bed he quickly rushed to the connecting bathroom. Once getting what he wanted he made his way back over to me.

"Pull up your shirt." He said as he pulled out some wrap from the first aid kit he got.

I shook my head no.

Mark sighed "you're going to have to for me to see the damage."

Looking down I slowly nodded and pulled off my shirt. Wincing at the pain in my body. Once my shirt was off, Mark snapped an ice pack and placed it on my chest. "Hold this to you chest for the swelling while I wrap your sides."

After he finished wrapping me, he snapped another ice pack and held it to the side of my face.

"I'm sorry for blowing up at you in lunch." I mumbled under my breath. I thought he didn't hear it until his head snapped up to me.


"I said I'm sorry. I don't interact with people well and I get irritated easily and-" I was cut off by Mark's hand gently place over my mouth.

"It's ok. But I kept whack my head as to your question, over and over again." He breathed lowering his eyes slightly but quickly returned to me.

I smile warmly at him. Placing my hand over his cheek and softly stroking circles with my thumb.

"I don't need an answer. I was just frustrated by everything."

"But I figured out why I want to understand you. Why I was angry with myself when you walked off. Why I couldn't just leave you to get beaten by those assholes in the parking lot." He said desperately. His hand finding their way to mine over his cheek.

"And what was that?" I asked with worry in my voice, quickly hid it with a small smile.

"It because....because" He whispered ever so softly. Pure emotion in his eyes of hope and love.

My eyes widen. "W-what?" I whispered

'That's not true. Why? Why me?'

Mark brought his hands up and cupped my face as tears stink the back of my eyes.

'He loves me? He really loves me?'

"Sam Michaelson, I love you."

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