Chapter 5

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After what happened at school with Mark I ran home early and it almost being winter I caught a cold. I sat in bed when my mother walked in with some tissues from the living room. "Sam, I'm getting ready to leave for a date. Do you think you'll be fine on your own?" I nodded and pulled my book off my night stand and began to read. I could feel her stare at me when the door bell rang as she rushed to the door.

I heard muffled voices coming from the front door along with a squeal from my mother. Rolling my eyes I began to read again as I heard the front door close. 'Good mom left and I'm alone with my books once again.' I thought, when I heard my door squeak open.

Looking up I see Mark standing in my doorway staring down at me. "Why are you here and where's my mother?" I said worried he did something to her as I pulled my covers off and stood up.

He was taller than me by a whole foot as I stood to his shoulders. I looked up at him glaring at him in the eyes trying to scare him off, but he wasn't frightened. "Get out!" I yelled tried of him in my home. He looked at me in shock as I walked up to him trying to push him out of my room. Key word trying.

As I struggled to push him away he slowly placed his big hands on my shoulders causing me to stop and look up at him. "Sam, your mother told me to watch you since she was leaving. So that's what I'm going to do. Now get back into bed." He said as he pushed me back to my bed. I flopped down and watch him left my room leaving me in shock.

After a few minutes he walked back into my room and placed a tray with food. Chicken noodle soup, some slices of buttered bread a glass of Apple juice. I glanced up at him as he gave me a small smile. Before I started to eat I mumbled a thanks making him smile more. Rolling my eyes I began to eat moaning with every bit. I picked up my bowl of soup broth and drank it. The warm liquid traveled down my throat making me gasped from the delicious flavor. I heard Mark chuckle causing me blush.

After eating Mark took the tray. And left the room. I slowly got up and walked into the living room with Mark no where in sight. Looking around I headed into the kitchen to see him washing the dishes. Guessing that he heard me he quickly turned around now staring at me.

"You can leave. I'm fine by myself." I said lowering my head to the floor.

Putting down a soupy plate down and drying off his hand he walked forward making me step back. My head still lowered hiding my face.

Noticing this Mark stepped back. "I'm staying until to get better." "You don't have to." "But I want to."

I'm getting frustrated at him. My hand are in fists now. "Why do you care if I'm sick or not! You should just mind your own business or is this all funny to you!" Screaming now my face grew pink with anger and embarrassment. "You should just leave me alone." I mumbled turning away from him. I started to walk back to my room when he grabbed my wrist. Trying to pull my hand away his grip tighten. "Let go." I said not turning to him. "No."

Pulling me forward Mark put his hand on my shoulder and with his other on my chin tilting my head to look at him. Closing my eyes tight so I didn't have to look at. "Look at me Sam." Shaking my head no I felt he hand leave my chin. Opening my eyes I was staring straight into his eyes. "Why are you doing this to me?" I question in almost a whisper. He didn't respond but move closer, closing the space between us.

My eyes moved from his green orbs to his pink luscious lips. Feeling his warm breath on my face sent chills down my spine. My pants grew tight and uncomfortable. "Sam, I-" he was cut off by the front door opening and my mother walking in. We jumped back from each other looking way.

"Sorry just for got my wallet. I'll be leaving dear, have fun and be sure that your cold is gone, ok." Mother said giggling at us and left closing the door.

"S-sorry." He said while rubbing the back of his  neck. I shook my head "no I'm sorry for blowing up at you." We stood there in a awkward silence until I walked over to the couch and sat down.

Mark followed and sat on the other side of the couch. Every once in awhile I would sneak glance at him and he would do the same.

I put the TV on and watched it until I could feel myself get tried as I slump in my seat. Mark scooted closer to me and rapped his arm around me causing me to lay my head on his shoulder closing my eyes. He ran his hand though my black hair making my relax and fall into a comfortable and warm sleep.

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