Chapter 1

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"You sure it's okay here?" I asked my brother, Lincoln. He stepped out of the car and turned to me, shaking his head and smiling.

"I've been here for years. It's the nicest school you'll ever see, and there's no one around for miles." I looked up at the mansion towering over me, resembling a British historian cathedral. Never had I seen a place so big and have someone call it a school. Being from a small town in Connecticut, schools tended to be pretty small.

"There's gotta be a couple hundred people here, right? I mean, it's bigger than The Met."

"No, just over 40." He walked up to the front door, not bothering to knock. Just above it, vines etched their way around the window sills. "Come on," he urged, motioning his hand towards me, "it's gonna be alright. I'll be here the whole time." I followed him in, taking a last glance at the New York countryside.

"You wait here while I find the professor." I watched him walk off down the hall, weaving in between passing students. Some ignored me, others took the time to regard the newby. I avoided eye contact, scratching at my back self-consciously. I knew what they were staring at. Every one would. It's not every day that you see a teenage girl sporting a pair of wings protruding from her back.

I understood that this was a place for mutants, but none of them seemed to have any actual physical mutations. None of them had to cut holes in the back of their shirts to leave way for their wings. They didn't have to put on sunglasses to hide pink and black eyes. The only thing they might've been used to was pink hair, but theirs' were always died. Not natural.

I hand't even been this way a few months ago. It was all new. I had been an ordinary teen who could go into public without having some seriously out-of-season clothes. There was no need for a coat and some sunglasses. I didn't have to worry whether or not my hair hid my pointed ears.

And yet, things had taken a turn for the worst. This "mutant gene" decided to kick in and take over my life.

After a couple of minutes, Lincoln returned with two men. One had short brown hair and glasses, wearing the type of tweed jacket every college professor dreamed of. The other was seated in a wheel chair, having a shaved head and a light blue blazer on.

"Megan, I presume?" The one in the wheel chair held out his hand. I shook it hesitantly, not knowing what to expect. "I am professor Charles Xavier, and this is Dr. Hank McCoy." The one with glasses gave a small nod and smile, shaking my hand as well. "What do you think of my home?"

A little over the top, I thought. The professor chuckled knowingly.

"What?" I asked.

"I can read your thoughts." I blushed instantly, looking down at my feet. He laughed again, joined by Lincoln and Dr. McCoy. "It's okay. People are a little freaked out at first. But, I assure you, you'l get used to other peoples' powers." He turned his chair, heading down the hall. "Follow me, please." I walked after him, joining the little group we had formed.

"When I was a boy, this was my home. My parents and I had moved here from Oxford, England, and built this house on the property. In later years, I had inherited it. I had decided turn this into a school for people like us- Mutants.

"Over time this school grown and developed, taking in new students, each one unique. We teach you not only in a scholarly way, but we help develop your mutation. This is a place to thrive at. And that's what I intend for you to do."

We were outside again, now overlooking a good portion of the property, which had to be 30 acres at least. The professor was rolling down the path through the courtyard, while the three of us followed in suit.

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