Chapter 3

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"Is this the art room?" A girl sitting at a bench looked up and nodded. I chose not to say anything else until I found the teacher.

My schedule had been prepared for me that morning, art being my last class. The day had gone by pretty quickly, which surprised me. I was never good at patience, especially in school, and I thought one as small as this would be much worse. To my surprise, I enjoyed it.

Everyone was nice to me. Not too chatty, but they didn't neglect me either. I had eaten lunch with Lincoln, since I was not sure who to eat with. Speaking of Lincoln, European history was awkward as hell. Was i supposed to call him Mr. Gwynn? Lincoln? What rules apply when your brother is your teacher?

He didn't give me a hard time, thankfully, but today was only the first day. He'd been joking with me for days before hand how he would be the most annoying teacher I'd ever had. He better not keep his promise.

A women, about 40, walked up to me. She had green scales trailing down her neck and under her shirt, just out of sight.

"Hi," she said, rather bored, "I'm Ms. Walker. Are you Megan?"

I nodded, adjusting my backpack strap.

"It's nice to meet you." She shook my hand rather hard, cracking my knuckles, and walked over to a desk. "Welcome to Advanced Art 2. I was very surprised when I learned a sophomore would be taking my class." I couldn't tell if she meant that in a good way or bad. "You can take a seat. We'll be starting today's lesson shortly."

I walked over to an empty bench. Everyone in the room was older than me. I didn't think they liked that very much. A few gave me disgruntled stares, while others ignored me. Another thing to add to the list of high school characteristics at this school.

"Okay, class. Everyone's here." Ms. Walker appeared in the from of the room. "First day back. I know, you'd much rather have another couple weeks of summer. But we're here, so we'd better get started. For those of you who went home during the summer, I'm glad to see you back. And to the ones that stayed, don't worry, I'm not sick of you. Yet."

She winked at us, adding to the warming welcome.

"Today we're just going to get a feel for the start of the school year. I've already handed out the syllabus, but that seems like something you can read on your own time. For now, we're just going to ease in by doing some sketching."

There was a little voice in the back of my head that was squealing with joy. I didn't want to spend the first day going over rules like every other class.

"Everyone find something in the room to draw. I'll be collecting your work at the end of class. "

I'd spent the whole time drawing a mannequin head, which I found odd to be sitting around. The hour went by so fast; I was sad to have to go to next period. Luckily, when I arrived I saw a friendly face.

Lucas was already seated at a table, playing with his pencil and staring off into space. But then, almost like he'd heard me calling his name, he looked up.

"This is Algebra, right? Because I really don't want to get lost heading to another class."

He snickered. "Yeah, this is Algebra. But why are you taking it? Aren't you a sophomore?"

"Yeah, but at my old school they let you take classes a year early if you were 'good enough,' so I took my chances. I'm hoping it pays off." I dropped my books on the table next to him.

"Don't they say to ask before you sit?" I was scared for a second, thinking he meant the snide comment. But then he laughed again and gestured to the chair next to him.

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