Chapter 2

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I had stayed in my room for a while after unpacking. Putting clothes away and placing various items on shelves doesn't take too long. It's not like I had that much stuff anyways. Books seemed to take up more room in my bags than clothes did, which might've been stupid, since schools usually have libraries. Call me a book hoarder.

When I was younger, I used to bury myself in my books, much like now, except I had always been amazed by the mythical characters. People with powers saving the world. How ironic, that I'd wished to be in such a world and now I was stuck in one with no hopes of being there.

Lincoln said it would get better, that I would get used to myself. In some respects I have. I could've been stuck with a much worse mutation. I've seen other mutants, completely changed from head to toe. They can't hide anywhere. But others look completely normal. They can go into public, even go to the beach, and not have to worry about anyone noticing them.

I'm somewhere in the middle.

If I put on a good jacket and some sunglasses, I can get away with it, but not very easily. If it's a cloudy day or 90 degrees out, I seem a bit odd.

Now, sitting in my room (what a funny thing to say), I could let my wings out and look in normal lighting for a change. I slipped my jacket off, letting my wings fan out to the sides. They glimmered in the light from the window, sparkling every now and then. Mesmerizing is the term I'd used for them.

I walked over to the mirror, taking a good look at myself. I wasn't super tall, but not super short either. Just over five foot, maybe. I was a wiry one, my body looking like I starved myself, no matter how much I ate. I was 140 pounds before this. Now I barely weighed a buck ten. My hair was blonde and curly, resembling Shirley Temple almost, reaching just under my shoulders. It now reached just below my breasts, hot pink loose curls thick as hell.

What really freaked me out at first were my eyes. Sky blue was the shade my mother would always use when describing them to her friends. Black orbs with almost glowing pink irises stared back at me. The first time I saw them I screamed.

Lincoln had said that they were beautiful, that they were finally what they were supposed to be. I knew he cared, but it wasn't the same for him when he got his abilities. Sure, they were scary. I had the memories and the scars to prove it. But he didn't share the same experience that I had when it first started.

A knock on the door took me out of my daze.

"Come in." I said.

A boy, looking just a little older than me, walked in.

"Hey," he said, "I'm Lucas." I gave him a look that told him he hadn't explained himself very well. He seemed to have gotten the memo. "I heard you were still in here, and I just wanted to tell you it's dinner. We're having pizza."

I stared at him for another moment. He was much taller than me, probably over 6ft. He had light brown hair, almost matted down over his forehead. He was well built, which I didn't mind. His blue eyes brought me back into the moment.

"What do you mean you 'heard' that I was still in here?"

"Dude," he said, "telepathy." He said it like it was completely obvious; every day casual.

"Well, dude, thanks for the heads up." I grabbed my jacket from withe bed, throwing it on with the slightest scowl on my face. I walked past him and out the door, not caring to say anything else.

He didn't get them memo. He caught up to me quickly, keeping pace. "Why are you wearing your jacket?"

I didn't want to answer him, but he probably would've hear it anyways. "I feel naked without it."

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