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I woke up in the middle of the night and noticed Dani was gone.

I saw kori was up and a light shined from her bed.
I walked over and tapped her leg.

"You wanna sleep with mama?" She asked. I nodded and she scooted over. I climbed into her bed and tried going back to sleep.

It didn't work so I waited until Kori fell asleep. I grabbed a jacket and one of my skateboards.

People weren't gonna be outside breaking curfew.. perfect time to skate.

I put the jacket on and walked outside. I took off running and slid the board under my feet.

Skating is the only thing that makes me feel relatively normal.
I got comfortable enough with the ground to start doing tricks.

I stopped skating when I saw someone laying on a bench. It was Dani. She had makeup running down her face and she was shivering.

I looked to my left and right. I slid my jacket off and covered her with it. She stopped shivering and I took one last look at her before getting back on my board and skating off.

The next morning I came back to my dorm around six thirty.

"Hey! I was wondering where you went." Kori said.
I gave her a smile and put my board on the rack with the rest of them.
"Out skating all night I presume."
I nodded.
"Did you go to see anyone special?"
I shook my head.
"Do you like someone?"

I picked up the journal again.
'Are we in second grade?

"That depends. Do you like someone?"



'I don't know if she'll ever read this. I shouldn't write her name.

"So it's a girl."
I nodded.
"Does she go here?"


"Okay. Act who this is out."
I thought for a second and started jumping and holding my hand up.
"She's tall."
I nodded and stopped jumping. I did an hour glass figure and fanned myself.
"Her body is amazing."
I nodded and pointed to a map.
"She's from an island."
I emphasized which island.
"She's from.." Kori squinted. "The Caribbean."
I nodded and she gasped.
"Is it Dani?"
I looked down with a small smile.
"That's adorable!"
I swatted in her direction.
"Don't worry."

I gave her a thumbs up as a thank you and looked at my phone.

Class is in fifteen minutes. Alright. Let's go. I grabbed my bag my ukulele.
I quickly wrote 'bye wifey! <3 Allie. And walked out. 

Okay creative writing. Fun.

I walked to the room and went inside. I was the first one in.

"Hello." The teacher caused me to jump.
"What's your name?"

I quickly got out the journal and showed the page when I introduced myself to kori.

"Hello Allie. And ah. I see."
I looked down and crossed out selective mutism and wrote social anxiety.

"Oh. Okay. You can sit anywhere and I'll try not to call on you."

'Thank you.
I wrote and walked to a seat.
Other people walked in and when I saw Parker I was okay.

He was headed towards me but someone beat him to it.

"Hi.. Again."
It was the blonde who helped me in the hall. What was her name? Lila. Yeah.

I waved at her and Parker sat in the row in front of me.

Class started and I started working on the assignment.
Write about yourself.

That was it.

I wrote. 'Physically- pretty fit, very short, long hair...

I crossed that out. What do I write?

Background? No. I didn't put in any of that.

"Are you done?" Lila asked me. I nodded.
"What did you write?" She reached for my paper and I pulled it away with a smirk. 

Her expression changed. If I didn't know any better...
No. Step down from your pedestal.

We handed in the papers and got dismissed.
Parker walked to me and Lila.

"Hey." He said. I waved.

"Hi Parker. Can we talk when we get back to the dorm?"

"Sure. Is everything okay?"

"Yeah. I just have to talk to you."

"Is it urgent?" He asked.


"Oh. Okay. Um. Allie. You gonna be okay?"
I nodded.
"You sure? Do you wanna walk with us?"
I shook my head and he hugged me.
"You know where to find me."

I mumbled a "mhm." And we walked out.
I saw Dani still wearing the jacket I gave her.

"Where did you get that?" Kori asked.

"I don't know. I woke up and it was covering me."

"You have a secret admirer." She said and clapped her hands together.

"bullshit." Vick said without breaking the eye contact she had with her phone.
I tried walking past them without being noticed.

"Wifey!" Kori shouted and ran over to me.
I smiled at her as she hugged me.
"Hi! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!"

"Okay Kori." Dani said prying my friend off of me. "She's a little high."

"I. Am. Not!" She said.
Dani shushed her and lightly pushed her towards Victoria.

"Why are you talking to it?"

"Why! are you so mean to her?" Kori asked and it was silent.
"She didn't make your mom leave! She make your dad sleep with two women at the same time! She didn't even fucking ask to be born! And for you to treat her like garbage every waking moment is ridiculous and agitating!"

Victoria gripped my roommate's wrist tightly and tugged her away. I nodded at her as a thank you and she gave me a thumbs up before they left the hallway.


"Meet me in the bathroom. Five minutes."
I hesitantly nodded and she got close to me.
Was she gonna... Kiss me?
She smirked and wiped her thumb against my bottom lip.
"Watch the drool yeah?" She winked at me and ran off.

What just happened?

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