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9 months later

I have never been happier.

"Baby?" Dani asked.


"Have you seen Rosie?" She asked looking around.

I looked at our daughter. "Nope. Haven't seen her."

"Hmm. Maybe she's. Right here!" Dani stuck her head in with a smile and gasped.

"What happened?"

"Rosie smiled! She smiled at me!"

"WHAT?" I walked over to my daughter's crib.

"Look." Dani said and ducked down. Rosie looked at me and I felt like I was going to cry.
"See? She's smiling at you!"

"I know." I picked her up and Dani hugged me.

Things are looking up for us.

Time skip.

I was walking to class and I got stopped by an older man.

"Are you Alexandra hall?"
I nodded.
"Please follow me."
I did so and we walked to the dean's office.

"Hello ms hall."
I waved and sat down.
"Your father has stopped by and told me to deliver this message." She pulled out a sheet of paper. "It reads. 'You didn't tell me that you were pregnant. I was hurt but then I remembered that you can't talk to me. And I don't like that. Your mother and I have talked about this but I'm giving the final call. Speech therapy isn't working and I found this school that you could go to for this school year and then come back once you're healthy. I don't want to miss anymore of your life because of a disability. I know that you'll be mad at me but this is what's best.' "
He noticed the look on my face.
"Would you like a minute to collect your thoughts?"
I shook my head and wrote. 'Thank you.
I left the office and went to my room.

Kori was dancing around with Rosie in her arms.


"Hi." I held out my arms and she gave me my daughter.

"What's wrong?"

"We have to talk." I sat down and she did so too.

This went on with all of my friends and I got to Victoria.

"Are you gonna tell Dani?"

"Yes. But just. Not now."

"When do you have to go?"

"Before this school year starts."

"That's soon al."

"I know." I looked down at Rosie and she looked up at me. That smile. I could look at it all day.

"When are you going to tell her?"

"Tomorrow. Just let us have today as a happy family."

"Tomorrow." She said and gently hugged me. She smiled down at Rosie.
"I love you."

"Love you too."  I said and walked out. Dani was walking down the hallway.

"My girls." She said and hugged us. She kissed me and pecked Rosie on the head.
"I was looking for you."

"Can you burp her?" I whispered.
She gladly took Rosie and put a baby blanket over her shoulder.
She patted her back as we walked.

We got to her room and she got Rosie to burp.

"yay!" I said and Rosie smiled. Her hands wrapped around my fingers.
"Rosie! You burped for dada but not for mommy. Why is that? Why is that?" I asked in a baby voice.

"Rosie! Tell mommy that you don't love dada half as much as you love her!" Dani said back.
I kissed her and she laid Rosie down.


"Yeah baby?"

"My dad. He um. Stopped by the dean's office and left a message for me."


"He said that he's gonna make me go to a different school for my anxiety."

"He said what?"

"I'm still gonna be living here. I think."

"You think? What does that mean? You think?!"

"Stop yelling at me." I said. She took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." She said. "You're not going right?"

"I don't want to. But."

"You're considering it.."

"And you're getting mad at me for it? This could get rid of the bane of my existence for good Dani. It would be good for me."

"So that's it.."


"Well. You wanna leave me.. Might as well break up with me and take Rosie with you."

I just looked at her.
"I would've thought that you'd want me to get better. But from that. I know exactly where you stand. So I'm gonna take your advice." I picked Rosie up. "I'm leaving,breaking up with you and taking Rosie."
I walked out and slammed the door. I walked back to my room and packed.

"You're packing now?" Kori asked sadly.

I stopped and looked at her. I gave her a hug.
" back after. school year. Maybe."

"I know. But that just feels like a really long time."
I gave her a hug.

"Kori.." I took a deep breath. "When I got here you were so nice to me. And welcoming. I just wanna thank you. For that. And. You're such a good friend."

"God. I didn't wanna cry today." She said.

Dani's pov

I paced back and forth.

Why did I have to say that?
THAT! Of all fucking things. God I'm an idiot.

Victoria walked through the door.

"What in the hell were you thinking?" She asked me.

"I wasn't." I said.

"So you're just going to give up? And let her leave.."
I looked down.
"Who the hell are you and what have you done with Daniella Griffith?"

"I don't want her to leave. I love her. I don't know anything else."

"Then go tell her that. You idiot."
Her phone vibrated.
"She's all packed and getting ready to leave. Run."

And I did.

I saw her packing up her stuff in the car and I ran right to her.

"What're yo-"
I kissed her.

"Don't leave.. Please. Don't leave. I love you. I'm sorry. Just don't fucking leave me."


"No. I'm not taking no for an answer."

She kissed me.
"You know that I love you. But. This is what's supposed to happen."

"do we still have to be broken up?"
She put her hand on the side of my face.

"I have to go."

"No you don't."

"By the time I get back. You will have probably moved on. And that's okay."

"You know I'll never move on from you."
"I love you so much." I said.

"I love you too." She opened the door and got in.

I walked back to my room.


"She left anyway.."

Victoria hugged me.
"I'm sorry Dani."

(And thats the end. Until the sequel. Stay safe friends. -author)

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