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Secretly freaking out. Because two guys. Are trying to be my friends.
I can't show. That I'm freaking out. Because they will. Hate meeeeeeee.

Read that in singsong if you want it to make sense.

Class was pretty much over and Calvin gave me his phone. I put my number in and he insisted we take the contact picture together.

He gave it to Garrett and he got on his knees. I put my elbow on top of his head and Garrett took the picture.

I did the same with Garrett but he picked me up for the picture.

"Alright. We'll hang out soon?"

I nodded and Garrett kissed my right cheek. Calvin was delicate when he noticed my bruise but kissed me too.

"Bye Allie."
I waved to them and went to my next class. Dani walked in and sat next to me.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Hey." She didn't look at me.
Well that's weird.

The class started and I finished. I turned the paper over and started drawing my beautiful girlfriend.

I tried to get every detail down. Class continued and I slid the picture to her.

She looked at it with a small smile. She put it in her bag and wrote 'thank you. It's lovely. On the table. 

Class ended and everyone left.
"What's wrong?" I asked her.

"Oh. Well I was walking from class and I saw something interesting. Two. Not one not three but two guys are talking to my girlfriend. They take some pictures where one of them picks you up. And then before they leave they kissed her. I'm pissed off."

"They were being friendly. Calvin's French. It's what they do and Garrett.. I think he just has a crush on me."

"So what you're saying is that if I got kissed by two different people. You wouldn't get jealous?"

"If I knew their intentions. No I wouldn't be. Calvin and Garrett want to be my friends. They know about us and they respect that. Look. Why don't we all hang out tomorrow and you can meet them and see that they're really nice and chill."

"Yeah. I'd love to meet them." She said and crossed her arms.
I sat her on the table and kissed her.

"I love you. You know that.."

"Mhm. And I love you."

"Do you trust me?"

"I do. I don't trust them."


"Because you're like a female papi chulo. Almost everyone who meets you wants to fuck you. It's fact."

"A female papi chulo huh?" I asked with a smirk. We walked out hand in hand and I saw Calvin. I ran over to him and flicked him on the back of the neck.

"Allie." He said and kissed my cheek.
I waved at him.

'You should know Dani.
I looked up at her. He smiled and kissed her cheek.

"I do. Hello Dani."

"Calvin." She said.

'I was wondering if we could all hang out tomorrow. Get coffee or something?

"Sure. I'll ask Garrett if he wants to." He said.

'Coolio. See you later.

"Bye." He kissed both of mine and Dani's cheeks and we walked away.

'See. He's sweet.

I walked her to my room.

"Hi." I looked up at her.
She smiled at me a little but tried not to.


"Now. Why were you mad at me?"

"I wasn't mad at you. I was mad because of what you let them do."

"I gave them my number and we took pictures. Apparently everyone loves tiny girls and they wanna pick me up. I didn't know he was gonna do it and I couldn't tell him to put me down."
She sighed and nodded.
"Is this getting too much?" I walked away from her and crossed my arms.


"My problem." I pointed to my head.

"No no no no." She walked over to me and gave me a hug. "Never ask that again."

"I just get worried. This drives people away."

"Hey. I'm here." She said and hugged me.

She nodded and kissed the top of my head.
"Do you want skating lessons or uke lessons today?"

"Skating." She said and I took her over to my boards.
She picked one up and I did the same.
I picked up a helmet as we left the room.
"How good am I gonna get?"

'With practice. Like this.
I dropped the journal and took off running. I slid the board under my feet and when I got confident and started doing tricks.

I got back to my girlfriend and she had her mouth wide open. I pushed her chin up so she closed her mouth and pecked her lips.


'Years of experience. And injuries. Lots of those.

"Okay." She put one foot on the board and I held out the helmet.
"Um. Helmet hair? No thanks." She pushed it towards me and I gave her a look. She took it.
"I'm wearing this because I want to."

'Good girl.
I kissed her cheek and she smiled.

I demonstrated how to get on the board. She stood on it and started screaming when it moved an inch.

I chuckled under my breath and held out my hands. She clutched onto them and I looked her in the eyes.

I gave her a look that said. Trust me.
She nodded and I started walking backwards.

"Allie! Allie Allie!" She yelled. I stopped and kissed her hands.
She took deep breaths and I started walking again.
I let her go and she rolled. She hit a rock and almost wiped out. I ran to the spot and caught her.
"For a tiny human. You are strong."

I nodded as a thank you and set her down.

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