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She looked like she was gonna cry. And she ended up doing so.

I didn't think she was gonna take it this hard.
I feel awful.

To my surprise she pulled me closer to her.

"Is it mine?" She asked. I nodded and she grabbed my stomach.
"Hi little baby. I'm your dad. And I love you so much already. Hurry it up in there will ya?"
I grabbed her face and kissed her.
"You're not kidding? You're actually having my baby?"

I nodded and she picked me up in a hug.
"You have no clue how relieved I am."

"I've always wanted a kid with you. We're young but that just gives more time together. And when I'm with you. I never wanna be anywhere else."
I kissed her and she set me down.

"I love you Dani."

"I love you Allie." She said. "Are we back together now?"

"Only if you want to."

"I really want too."

"Thank god." I said.

"Who else knows?"

"Garrett and Victoria."

"Where does she stand?"

"She's supportive."

"Good. You think we should tell Kori?"

"Well yeah."

"We have to get her when she's not high. So she'll understand." She said to me.

"Before I left she was stoned so maybe later tonight?"
Dani nodded and smiled.

"Can I not be happy?"

"You can. I've just never seen you smile this much."

"You're having my baby. How can I not smile a lot?"
She kissed me and we sat on her bed.

"What do we do now?"

"We could tell your mom."

"Um. Yeah. Alright."
I pulled out my phone and called my mom.

"Hi honey. We missed you at thanksgiving."

"Hey mom. Yeah. I missed you too."

"Victoria told us you two buried the hatchet huh?"

"Yeah. We're good now." I said.

"And that you and Dani had a little flame. I'm shocked."

"Yeah." I looked at my girlfriend. "I was too."

"Well. What did you call for?"

"Um. Well. You see."

"Did you kill someone?"


"Are you pregnant?"
"Oh my god you're pregnant.."

"Are you mad?"

Completely disregarding my question.

Dani jumped at how loud my mother yelled.


"When? Who?"

"The day before everyone left for break. And Dani."

"Wait. Daniella Griffith? A girl is the father of your child?"

I looked at Dani. She nodded.
"Um mom. Dani's intersex. She's got man parts and lady parts."

"Well. That makes sense." My mom said. "Let me talk to her."

"Okay." I held out the phone and put it on speaker.

"Hey mama hall."

"Daniella. I am very supportive of the fact that you impregnated my daughter. And I will be an active grandparent. But if you ever decide to leave your family. I will personally hunt you down and skin you like a deer."

"Noted." She said. "But you don't have to worry about that."

"I better not. Put Allie back on the phone."

"Hey mom."

"Are you keeping the baby?"

"That was the plan."

"Be careful." She said. "I don't want a broken grandchild."

"Alright mom."

"I love you."

"Love you too." We hung up.

(Idk. I think I'm gonna end this in the next chapter. Probably do a sequel. So be prepared for that. -author)

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