The Hours Turn To Days

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~~1 month later~~June~~

It's been a month since Josh or Freya contacted any of us. I felt horrible still, but the past was the past and I had to help her get over it, but how was I supposed to help when I haven't talked to them? I snapped back to reality as Steph yelled.

"I wish you guys didn't have to go!" All the guys nodded and talked about the tour they were supposed to go on with Pierce the Veil, and All Time Low for the UK tour in July. Which was in a week.

As the waiter passed around our food that we ordered; a girl who looked about 16 came up to the table looking nervous. She cleared her throat and said," Uhm intrude on your dinner but I really love all of you guys and you guys are really awesome and I was wondering if you can sign this?" Her half blonde, half brown hair slightly got in her face. She was actually pretty, she had a septem piercing and her ears had tunnels in them. She saw me staring and smiled, I did a small wave as some of the guys agreed and started talking to her. She made her way around the huge round table we were all sitting at, when she came to Vic from Pierce the Veil, she was crying and saying that they all saved her life. Vic stood up and hugged her and after Vic urged all the guys to hug her. Oli looked awkward, and I don't think because of the fan, but of Hannah who was talking to the waiter, twisting her hair and clearly flirting. I tapped on his shoulder that was covered by a really nice navy Drop Dead jumper. His eyes met mine but before I could say anything, the girl came and asked him to sign whatever she had in her hands.

After the girl and the waiter left, silence filled the room and before someone broke it, Jordan took his chance and stood up, holding hands with Emma who was still seated and looked a bit flushed.

"Guys! Emma and I have some news!" When our eager eyes and smiles told him to go on, he said,"Emma's 3 months pregnant!" The whole room burst end into cheers and laughter and it actually made me happy, and I was really happy for them. I mean, they got married about 5 months ago and I'm sure they wanted to start a family.

Emma blushed further as I said,"Emma! You're hardly showing!" I moved the hair out of my face and she replied,"Yeah, I was worried so I got it checked out and everything is totally normal, good thing, huh?" I nodded and she started a conversation with Hannah.

About halfway into the dinner, Lee stood up. Confusion made its way to my face. "Ok, well, I've already talked to the guys about this. so I was wondering if you wanted to go on tour with us?" His eyes pleading and I'm sure everyone was looking at me for the answer. I had a lot of things to think about...well, not really, but I'd have to quit my job which didn't bother me much considering I only get payed shit and everyone hates me there, so why not?

"Yeah! I'd love to!" I replied, making everyone go ecstatic again. After everyone calmed down again, the waiter came back with desserts. I didn't order one because as of Christmas I started on a diet, only because I had Hannah to compare. I know it really isn't the smartest thing, you know? But I just felt like I looked more than I weighed.

"You aren't gonna eat?" Oli asked, nudging my elbow with his. Lee had my left hand in his, but he clearly didn't care if I actually talked to him right now. There was an awkward silence between us and I glanced at Hannah, Oli glanced behind him and realized I was talking about Hannah. He kind of sighed and for a moment I thought he was going to give up talking to me but then I saw him smirk out of the corner of my eye. As I turned towards him to ask him what he was smiling about, his fork popped into my mouth with his fucking yummy chocolate cake on it. Just as he was doing this, I saw a flash of light from across the table. When Oli took the fork out, I realized everyone was staring.

"Did you really just take a picture?" Oli laughed at Jordan who was looking guilty, especially with a fancy looking camera in his hands. I blushed and felt Lee go rigid. Lee was always tense about me hanging out with Oli, even when we would be in his Shop with a bunch of costumers around, I'm sure Lee thinks that I would cheat on him. I've never been the one to cheat, nor will I ever.

"Yes I did mate, best picture of the night!" Jordan exclaimed, his bright blue eyes sparkling. Everyone joined in the laughing and I realized that Jack of ATL seemed extremely quiet compared to his usually bubbly persona.

"Hey Jack, come 'ere a second." I said standing up, I got some odd stares from Alex, Tony, Mike and Lee but I heard him follow me outside the restaurants room we were in for parties.

"What's up?" He asked, his brown hair getting in his face a bit. I looked at his face for a few seconds before saying," What's wrong?"

He seemed surprised that I noticed because we weren't that close but what can I say? I just know, you know? He slumped his shoulders further down than they already were and he answered with," Well... I asked this really cute girl on a date before we go on tour and she hasn't answered any of my calls and I don't think she likes me..." His voice trailed off, followed by him smirking and rubbing the back of his freckled neck.

"Jack? Honestly, if she doesn't call you by the time we go on tour in a few days than she's totally not fit for you." I exclaimed and did my best 'I-feel-kind-of-bad-but-I-don't-think-she-will-call' half smile. What girl wouldn't want to date Jack, like seriously.

He said,"Thanks Cor, now lets go back to the table or Lee will think I kidnapped you."

When we got back everyone was gathered around Kean, looking and laughing at something on his iPhone. "Do you guys remember this?!" Jordan and Emma laughed wildly.

I glanced at Oli who was looking down at his plate and no one was near him, not even Hannah.What was with her lately?!

Matt looked a little embarrassed as he sat across the table, trying to ignore what ever they were laughing at.

"What's happened?" I asked, joining Oli. "They found a video from about 7 years ago when Matt, My brother and I were trying to form a band..."

"Oh my god are you talking about Womb 2 Da Tomb?!" I laughed. He nodded and smirked. I can't believe it. I've known about W2DT but I thought everyone else did too.

"Hey Matt, who wrote the lyrics? You, Oliver, or Tom?" Steph, who was here with Mike, shouted. Oli raised his hand and smiled as he said,"Guilty as charged."

~~~ 1week ~~~

"See you at 6!" Matt laughed into the phone and from where I was sitting in the living room, Lee heard it too and asked who I was talking to. I ignored him, not to be mean but he was getting on my case lately.

"Was that a You Me At Six joke?" I asked, smiling feverishly. Lee walked around the couch and sat right next to me, so he was able to hear the really funny conversation Matt and I have been having since 8pm and now it was 10, oppsie.

"Maybe! But, I was wondering if you have heard from the guys over there? I haven't heard about Ruth in a long while." I sighed and stood up, tired of Lee knowing what I'm talking about and also just plain tired.

"No, I haven't, I tried calling on Wednesday but they haven't answered."

"That's not very metal of them."

I laughed and said,"You and your metal jokes, hey, I'm proper tired so ill see you tomorrow Matty, night!"

I waited for him to say bye and I hung up the phone and exited the living room and heading to the bedroom, on the way stopping and picking up my white, perfect, and a little out of her mind, cat named Horizon. It was quite awkward because I named her after well, the band. And now look who I'm hanging out with? Oh well.

I mentally shrugged my shoulders and entered my room, looking at mine and Lee's suitcases and bags and other essential needs sprawled all over the floor and my bed. That's when I remembered that Oli's mum, Carol, was supposed to take Oskar (Oli's dog) and Horizon to stay at her house.

Carol Sykes was a really sweet woman with dyed black hair, I assumed that gray had started in, and she was short but taller than me by two inches. She was quite funny and I knew where Oli got it from. I had met Carol a few times, like on Christmas. I had only met Oli's dad Ian once though, briefly.

Lee's parents were made for each other and that's just what I wanted to be like as I grew old, I don't know if Lee was THE one though. Maybe he was, who knows?

I grabbed a blanket off of the floor and turned off the light as I made my way out, intending to sleep on the couch because there was absolutely no way to possibly fit anywhere on the bed. Lee was already asleep where I last left him, on the small couch. I trudged over to my soft tan couch and right when my head hit the pillow, I fell into darkness.

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