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"Cora, you don't have to repay us, ok? We all love you and you owe us nothing." He insisted.
I let the subject drop and we started walking again. As soon as we started walking, I started humming.

"Deathbeds?" He asked, his face sad.
"Mhmm." I replied as I sang softly.

"And on my deathbed, all I'll see is you, The life may leave my lungs, but my heart will stay with you."

As we made our way around another corner, Oli started singing. I've never heard him actually sing, like real sing, and he was amazing. I wanted to tell him that he had a beautiful voice and he should use it more, preferably around me but he glanced at me midway through the part he was singing,
"That little kiss you stole..."

All of a sudden I was being pulled to him by my hand.
He slowly moved forward, almost unsure as to what to do. His hands slid up behind behind my ears, fingers gliding through my wet hair, underneath my black beanie. He kept a firm yet gentle grip, getting about as close enough to be able to hear my madly beating heart.

I knew what I had to do at this moment and I didn't care about anything else, not meeting with the boys by Morrison's (even though we were a block away) or even Lee.

I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck as he grabbed my waist. He bent down and formed his perfectly shaped lips around my own.
I melted into him and took in air through my nose because I didn't want to ever stop.
Butterflies escaped my stomach and flew into my lips. I swear I could feel him in my veins. His tongue traced my bottom lip and I let ours dance for a bit.

I bet if I died right then, I wouldn't care. He pulled me closer by grabbing onto my coat, our whole bodies touching.
After a few seconds he moved his lips off of mine but moved them to my cheeks and nose and forehead. The whole time I stared at him in amazement.
Had we actually just done that?
My mind answered for me: "Yup. And it was amazing."

That was probably the best kiss I've ever endured in my life, it truly left both of us breathless.
I looked up at him again and both of our cheeks turned rosy red from the intimate moment we had in public, let alone around the corner from where we were supposed to meet the boys.

I got up the courage to lean up and kiss his cheek. His face was lit up like a christmas tree. E smiled and pecked my lips one last time, again sending small tingles through my body.

Oliver grabbed my hand as we walked, still not saying a word, I was just too scared to ruin the moment.
I wonder what he was thinking at this moment.
He started humming again, this time I think it was Chasing Cars, by Snow Patrol.
What was he feeling right now? Did he just take his chance and do it because he felt like it? Or did he actually care, like I did?
I put my other hand in my pocket, the one not holding Oli's, and felt the ring that Lee gave me. Lee.

What was I supposed to do now? I'm cheating, and I'm actually not sorry. Oops.

We walked down the road a bit and saw three figures run around the corner. The corner were we were supposed to meet Vic and Jordan.
Was that them?
I looked up at Oli and asked,"Did you see-"
"Um, yeah. I think that was Vic. If that was actually him though, just wait until they bring it up, if they even saw anything." He suggested.
"Aye, aye, Captain." Was probably not the best response but it made him laugh, and I loved that sound.

((((Oops, another short chapter! Sorry loves!))))
Oh, since it is Oliver's birthday, I'll most likely post two chapters today!(:

((Happy birthday Oli (: ))

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