Are You Addicted (Part 2)

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Continued chapter! Yay!

As I was searching I heard some footsteps get onto the bus, or off the bus. I peeked my head out the sliding doorframe and saw Mark, the driver, get into the bus with a bunch of grocery bags.

Instantly, the boys all swarmed around him, seeing what he brought. Matty noticed me, he walked over sporting his signature red beanie and no shirt. I love his tattoos, I just love tattoos so much in general, I needed to get one soon, maybe for my birthday.

"Hey Matty," I said, standing straighter. He laughed and asked what I was doing.

"Oh, I'm going to watch Jurassic Park! Wanna join?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. He nodded and just as I was going to slide the door shut so we would be in the darkness, like a theatre, a hand stopped me.

I scrunched my brows together and looked at the person. Or more like persons.

All of the boys that were just in the living room before we're now gathered around the door, Lee looked at me with his big, brown eyes and asked if they could join. I nodded but sternly said," bring your own snacks! I'm not sharing MY pretzels!" And hopped onto the black leather couch that was built into the floor of the bus and pressed 'Play' on the remote.


"You guys are pigs!" I exclaimed, taking in a handful of pretzels. We were at the part where the T-Rex just flipped the car over the ledge of the bridge.

"Says the small girl who is eating like a little dinosaur." Oli laughed and laid on the floor, making more room for the rest of the guys on the couch.

I sat in between Lee and Zach and next to Zach was Tony. On the left couch, Vic and Mike were squished together and just adjusting because Oliver moved. Where Oli had been on the couch now sat Jalex. The rest of the boys sat on the floor and had a lot of food spilled around them.

"Oi! Popcorn please!" I yelled, making Matt jump and Alex screamed(he's never seen this movie he didn't know if there were jump scares)

Oli had the giant bowl of popcorn that we were supposed to share, but he hogged it, and it was the biggest bowl of popcorn I've ever seen.

He sat up and tossed a few kernels at me, they all landed in my shirt and lap.

"Oliver Scott Sykes!" I yelled, blushing and trying to get the popcorn out of my bra and grabbed a handful of pretzels and pitched them at Oli. His face started to flush.

"Coraline Rose Jett." He said, fixing his hair and shaking out the pretzels that were partly melted on his skin.

How the hell did he know my full name?! I only knew his name because I was a huge fan of his and he was famous for that matter. I didn't tend to linger on that thought for too long but it still bothered me a bit.

"Oh my god, don't say my name it's dumb!" I exclaimed, throwing my middle finger up for emphasis.

"We'll I like it so shut the hell up." Oli mumbled but laughed as he saw my tattooed hand holding my middle finger.

It wasn't a rude gesture, I flipped a bunch of people off in the joking way and when someone did piss me off, I'd have a fist and not my finger. I usually wasn't an angry person and I've only got it I one fight in my life and that was with my stepbrother...

Oli bursted into a fit of laughter when I stuck my tongue out and flicked a chip at him that I got from Lee's dirritos bag.

"Quit it you two, watch the movie, Jesus." Lee said under his breath.

"Oli." Matt said sternly. I caught Oli and Matt staring at each other for the longest time, until They finally gave up and continued watching the movie, but I was still wondering what the weird glaring between them was about.


1 week~~~~

~~~Oli Pov~~~

"Mama, we all go to hell, Mama we all go to hell, I'm writing this letter and wishing you well-"

I woke up to My Chemical Romance blaring from below me, it must've been Cora's phone because Lee hated them.

I heard someone shuffle and adjust before silencing the music.

"H-Hello?" Cora's voice said, she sounded grumpy and sleepy. I chuckled and realized that I have never seen her angry. I've heard her angry but that's a different story that I tend to not linger on.

I heard a bunch of loud voices from the other side of the phone and one of them I made out to be yelling,"happy birthday!"

It was Cora's birthday?

"Thanks guys, were is Ky? I can't hear her?" I heard some more shuffling and the bed squeak, indicating that she got out of the bunk.

I peeked out of my curtain and she had the phone to her ear, half smiling while putting up the grey hood on her hoodie, under her hoodie she was wearing green boy-short underwear, but they didn't look any different from normal looking shorts except that they clung to her body more tighter.

She was about to walk down the stars but stopped. I froze, because I realized that I made my bed squeak.

"Hey Kyla! Yeah, I miss you too!" She exclaimed quietly, and continued down the stairs. A few seconds later I heard the couch squeak from downstairs. Everything is so squeaky in this fucking bus, I swear.

I got out of bed as quietly as I could. I wasn't trying to spy on her or anything but I didn't know it was her birthday and I needed an idea for a gift.

I peeked into the bunk and found Lee snoring lightly, his mouth half agape.

I smirked and pulled out her notepad that she always kept with her. It was a small, worn out thing, and I have no idea why she keeps it but you know what they say: one mans trash is another mans treasure(in this case it's woman though).

I hopped back in my bunk and looked through each page, most of them were poems or song lyrics, doodles or really artistic drawings, on a picture that she drew of an peacock, in her little cursive handwriting wrote:

-Birthday Wishlist-



•A scarf

•More Drop Dead

The last bulletpoint was not finished. I wonder what it was...

I can easily get all of those things for her. Drop Dead was a piece of cake, scarfs I can get anywhere, books...what kind of books?

I flipped through more pages but found nothing hinting at any types of books, hopefully she liked the ones I liked.

I slid the notebook back under her pillow right as she was laughing quite loudly downstairs.

I decided to go down and see what she's up to, because I will most likely get no more sleep tonight.

I strode down the steps, fast paced but quiet enough.

"Hey," I whispered. I looked her over, her legs crossed in those cute underwear, her sweatshirt that was too big for her, and her hair that was messy but somehow still straight.

She smiled and waved, but didn't say hi, not like I cared really, I didn't eat to interrupt her call with her family.

DeathbedsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon