Chapter 3: The Tournemt

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Meanwhile in the forest, Casey was make soup but was humming at the Applejack always sing. Then Raph was asking Casey if he finished the food while he was doing the laundry but realized that he wasn't paying attention. When Casey was out daydreaming Raph said to him that he wasn't thinking about food he was thinking about someone with long eyelashes and smelling that sweet perfume, and when smell something he started coughing and Casey knew why cause the food was boiling and Raph had to fan it out.

"Sorry Raph, I guess I was thinking about Applejack again. I can't help it. (Sighs) I love her." Said Casey.

"Then why don't you stop moaning and moping around and marry her already?" Said Raph.

"Are you crazy? I can't do that! You just can't expect me to go up to her, hand her a bouquet of red roses, and say "Hey, remember me? We were kids together. Will you marry me?" It doesn't work that way." Said Casey.

"Look pal, Climb the castle wall." Said Raph. (Picked up the spoon with a soggy carrot snagged to it. Raph made a disgusted face, then flicked the carrot away) Sweep her off her feet, and carry her off in style."

"No, Raph. I thought it over and it just wouldn't work. Besides, what do I have to offer her?" Said Casey. "Well for one thing you can't cook." Said Raph.

"I'm serious Raph. She a lady with high quality. I'm an outlaw. That's what. That's not a life for lovely girl like her to have. What kind of future is that?" Said Casey. What he doesn't know is that Leo and Twilight were going to visit them and heard everything he said.

"Oh come Casey your no outlaw." Said Leo when startled Casey and he fell into the laundry."Why someday you will become a hero."

"We'll hear that Raph?" Said Casey.

"Yep I heard it by the way what are you and Twilight are doing here Leo?" Ask Raph.

Leo explain to Raph and Casey that Shredder is is throwing a big Arrow tournament tomorrow and everyone knows that Casey can win that tournament with his eyes closed. But everyone else know that he wasn't invite but Leo said that Applejack will be there and will give a kiss to the winner. That caught Casey attention and will go there but he knew he will need a Disguise.

The next day, the whole village was excited about the tournament. There was a huge parade heading to the field specially made for this event. People sat on fences, trees, and the ground ready for the show to start. There were even special seats for special people like royal Families . At one of those seats were Shredder and Baxter with a smirk on each of their faces. They were waiting for Casey to show up cause the tournament was part of Shredders plan to capture Casey. Meanwhile Raph disguise himself as a royal and greet himself to lord Shredder and Baxter went out of his seat to look for Casey.

Meanwhile Casey walk up to Applejack in a disguise and handed her a red rose that applejack loves.

"Well hello fair maiden I give you a special flower to show what beautiful lady you, I hope you save me kiss." Said Casey and Applejack knew it was him because of his brown eyes and she wishes him luck with all her heart.

The tournament start and Casey was doing really well and so was Hun and they were last two last. Shredder announced the last two competitors first he called Hun and when he bowed everyone started to booed at him and when he called Casey everyone started to cheer and Applejack was clapping happily.

"My dear, I see you're fond of the boy." Said Shredder.

"Oh. Yes. He amuses me, my lord." Said Applejack."Coincidently, my dear child, (smirking) he amuses me, too." Said Shredder. (And you know what he's thinking)

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