Chapter 4: Shredder Evil Plan

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In the night, Casey and Applejack are walking through the forest holding hands. How much Applejack misses Casey as they walked in to Casey hideout it was not much. Then everyone yelled surprise to Casey and congratulated him from the tournament and they started the party.

"Well Casey you sure do make the villagers happy!" Said Raph.

"What can I say I always make their lives really happy and kept robbing the rich to give to the poor," said Casey.

Then music began to play and everyone started to dance. Rarity dance with Donnie, Leo dance with Twilight, Mikey dance with Pinkie, Raph dance with Sunset and Casey dance with Applejack and they start to sing a Pox Behind the Phony King and kept dancing all night.

The next morning in the castle, Hun came in with a bag of money (he was collecting taxes as usual) and was singing the song the villagers are singing and Baxter was thinking that it was a catchy tune.

"Well that's a catchy song you got there Hun." Said Baxter.

"Yes it is you should try it Baxter it's really good."Said Hun."Okay I will try it."Said Baxter. So when Baxters sing the song at first it was good but when saw shredder he start to panic but Hun told him not to stop so he sing the song but shredder enter angry. Hun told him that the whole village is sing it so shredder though they like to sing so he told them to double the taxes, triple the taxes, and squeeze every drop out of the villagers.

It was a rainy day for people of Nottingham . Shredder made good of his threat. Taxes, taxes, and more taxes. He taxed the heart and soul out of the people of the village. To make things worse, if they can't even pay a single penny, they go to jail. Shredder didn't care who is in the prison. Whether it's a man, woman, child, elderly, sickly, or disabled. He just wanted those people to pay dearly for his humiliation. Over half of the village is in prison and the rest of the village is living in fear. One day at the church Twilight, Mikey, and Pinkie give their last coins for the poor but when Hun came he took them and told Leo, Twilight, Mikey, and Pinkie that it was the law that people must pay or they go to jail. That got Leo so angry he start to beat Hun. Twilight, Mikey, and Pinkie tried to stop him but Leo was arrested for high treason to the crown. But Twilight told him to let him go but Leo said that he and he said his last words to twilight. He said "I love you" to twilight and she starts to cry as he goes with Hun. Twilight, Mikey, and Pinkie went to Casey's hideout to tell him the bad news.

Meanwhile in the castle, shredder was at his throne and was not happy so Baxter tried to cheer him up by counting the money but didn't work.

"Sire, Listen. Taxes are pouring in; the jail is full, and most of all Leonardo in jail." Said Baxter.

"LEONARDO, ITS CASEY JONES I WANT."Yelled Shredder."I WOULD- Wait. Did you say Leonardo?"

"Yes I did sire." Said Baxter.

Then shredder got a plan he will hang Leo and when Casey will come and rescue his friend his man will be ready. So Hun, Fishface, and Razhar prepared the gallows. Then Casey came with his old beggar costume and ask what's going when Hun told him he was going to hang Leo, Casey was horrified but kept his cool and said good luck to Hun and went back to Raph and Twilight.

"Casey, we can't let them hang Leo," said Twilight.

"I got a plan, will do jailbreak tonight, it the only chance that Leo got." Said Casey.

"A jailbreak, are you crazy, There ain't no way-" Raph says as he was about to say something else.

"We got to guys or Leo dies at dawn, okay so here's the Plan." Said Casey.

So Casey began to tell his plan on how to save the school kids, Rarity, April, Donnie, and Leo and get the money back.

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