~ Chappie 25 ~

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Jacquees P.O.V

Since that was a bullshit restaurant, we went to another one. This time they had some good food and I mean it was good. Abby was happy with it to because she had a smile on her face when she was finished with her food.

She gonna be more happy when she see the surprise I have for her...hopefully.

Abby P.O.V

After we ate, he took me to this bridge. I didn't know why but it was nice and peace full. It also saw locks on the fence, which must of been there traditional thing in Paris.

I have to admit, I'm starting to gain my feelings back for him again. I know its crazy but it feels amazing.

" Quees why is there locks on the fence?" He held my hand.

" Couples come up here and bring them. They take the lock and put it on here,with their first names written it, then throw the key into the river to represent a couple's committed love." I smiled and he got on one knee.

" Abby,
I know that we've been through hell and back. When I first met you I didn't plan on falling in love with you and I doubt that you planned on falling in love with me. But once we did , you've made me the happiest mam on earth. I know I'm not the perfect man, but I promise you that I will never hurt you again a day I'm my life. What I'm trying to say is...will you marry me?" I was crying and coving my mouth.

" Yes! Yes I will marry you!" He put the ring on my finger and stood up. He held me and kissed me passionately.

He whipped my tears away and kissed me again. I never thought this day would come, no really I didn't. But now that it has I'm so happy.

He took out a padlock and a key, with our letters on it. He put the lock on the fence and gave me the key. I threw it in the river.

This night was unforgettable....






4 months later....

Abby P.O.V

So I now live with Jacquees but I still have my house just in case, you know. I'm almost ready to pop and my baby shower is today. I've been waiting for this because I love babies.

Anyway, Jacquees and I were getting things ready for the baby shower. I love doing this but its so complicated. I was cooking the food and Jacquees was setting the tables, chairs, and Parish was decorating.

Parish brought her boyfriend, Travis, with her. Travis was a cool dude, tall light skinned and very muscular. He do have a slight anger problem though.

" I'm done decorating outside." Parish yelled while walking in the kitchen.

" Okay well help me, get the chips and put them in a bowl." I took the wings out the oven and put them on a counter.

" Okay where do I put them?" She had a confused look on her face.

" Beside the rotel." She did as told and helped me with the wings.

Now that everything is finished Jacquees and I took a shower. Then got dressed and waited for the guests to arrive.

There was a knock on the door and it was too early for the guests, so I opened it.

It was......

To be continued..


Tune in for the next chapter its gonna be good.

Trust me.

- Jadah💙

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