Chapter 1

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11:55 pm.

That's what I read from the clock.

As I read the see-through glass that showed my reflection and the numbers as well, a wave of emotions flew over me. Excitement, nervousness, overwhelming desire just to get it over with.

Tomorrow was the big day.

After 6 years of building an invention that could change the world, possibly forever, the day was finally here.

11:56 pm.

The Hot-Heater beeped. My tea was done. It opened it's little doors on it's own and slid my tea cup out to me. Already fresh with the scent of Camellia Sinensis and honey.

I entered the living room and observed the science that always surrounded me. The plants that were either decoration or for experiments. The map of the stars that was behind my couch, it took up the whole wall. I made it over to one of my favorite chairs in my apartment while I watched a little bit of TV, seeing some decorated flasks or beakers, filled with flowers or painted, that I created to brighten up the surrounding area of the TV.

Then I noticed at the corner of my eye lay a necklace, almost like a pendant. It chain beaded almost like a braid, and the border that lay around the gem, it was like cryptic writing that spoke it own language that no one was able to crack. And the gem, well, it reflected yourself when you look into it. No matter who you were, you always saw your past in your very own eyes.

Everytime I look into it, it makes me want to cry as my own reflection reminds me of my parents. I held it close to me and felt the material touch my hands, as if my own mother was handing it to me on her deathbed, again.

11:58 pm.

I decided to go out onto my balcony, but I grabbed my coat first. It wasn't snowing, but it was cold enough for me to have a big puffy jacket hug me as the goosebumps from the wind died down on my arms. I found the little chair through the darkness and sat in it and cradled myself within the chair. Legs up and under my hips, while my tea cup sits on my thigh. I took a sip before the wind could catch me again, but as it did, the wind picked up my hair, just a little, and my cheeks felt blessed for having the cool air against the warm skin caused from the tea.

My telescope lies in front of me and it was short enough for me to see through the tablet, and close enough for me to reach.

While not many lights were around me, the stars lit up beautifully. I could pick out all the constellations just by looking at them in a flash. Libra, Little Dipper, Aquarius, I thought to myself.

When I let go of the telescope, I heard from all of the other apartments above and around me echo "Happy New Year!!!" I looked at my watch and it immediately said to me,

"Happy New Year. Date: January 1st, 2050. Time: 12:00 am."

The robotic voice made me smile. Sure I was spending New Years alone, but atleast I have something better to look forward to.

Tomorrow and the rest of my days.

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