Chapter 2

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Even though I didn't really go to sleep until 1:00 am, I still had to be prepared early. I woke up at 8:00 am and got everything ready. The invention, pass to the nursing home for my brother, and with the basics, I left.

I've already had plans with the movers to take my invention to Washington D.C, but I made sure they were careful taking it out of the basement into the truck. Once it was all set, I had never felt this close to victory.

The car ride to my brothers nursing home wasn't long seeming how these cars are a lot more faster than they used to be in the 2020's.

I had my pass ready and they got him set up to leave for a couple days.

"Hey Victor." I said with a calm voice, seeming his mental illness could really affect him if I used a big voice to scare him.

"Here's his medication, make sure he takes each one 2 times a day every 3 hours, or else, he'll be unstable." A lady behind his wheelchair handed me a bag of medicine all with the name in big bolded words "Victor Cooder."

"Thank you, we should be back on the 5th." I said with confidence that this trip was going to go well.

I gripped the handles of the wheelchair and lead him out of the nursing home and got him carefully and safely into the car. Again, it wasn't that long to get from one place to the next. We got to the upper-ground subway less than 20 minutes. We got all the help we could get to help my brother onto the subway. I held his hand so he makes sure that he knows there's one person to keep him safe.

Trust me, I thought, you'll be your own man after today.

The Light Shuttle took us to D.C less than 3 hours or so. To this day I am amazed on how far technology has increased. Around the time I was born a trip like this would take you atleast 6-7 hours to get to D.C.

As the subway came to a stop, anxiety and excitement blended through my thoughts. That's when I started to think of what I would say to the Congressmen.

You have a couple hours, you'll be fine, I told myself, and the voice in my head was right. First, I have to check into a hotel and of course, wait for my invention to be here. That would at least be another 2 hours, then again, add another to wait for my appointment.

I came through the doors of the hotel I was staying at, Embassy Suites Hotel, it was probably one of the most fanciest hotels I've ever seen.

My brother made a noise that got my attention. I thought he was hurt, or something, but as it turns out he was just trying to say something that would describe how amused and amazed he was by the hotel. Seeming how he hasn't been around a lot. I looked down at him in the wheelchair, and he found me and smiled. I can already tell this is going to be a good time for him.

"Hi, checking in, Ella Cooder." I said as I came up to the lady behind the desk, putting my bags down, and made sure Victor was staying still in the wheelchair while my eyes weren't on him for a minute.

"Yes, you're staying here for five days?" The lady asked.

I answered a "Yes," while getting out my purse to get my credit card. I gave it to her as she swiped the card to get the payment out.

In a matter of seconds she handed it back to get along with a key card. "Hope you enjoy, your stay!" She grinned at me as I took the cards from her hands.

"Thank you!" I held the cards in between my finger as I grabbed the hands of the wheelchair. But before I made any actual movement to the elevator, I remembered something.

"Oh and if you have a mover come in and say there is a big machine waiting for me, can you give me a call? I'll be sure to take care of it."

"No problem miss, we actually have a storage space around the back if that helps." She made a gesture pointing behind her as that is the back of the building.

"Okay, thank you so much." I said again and finally took off to the room as I was in.

Victor felt a little weird after the elevator ride, but then that reminded me that he has to take his medicine.

I got into the room and got the bag of medicine out from the bundle of bags that was being supported by my arm.

I got a glass of water for 2 of the pills, and told him to take the rest, he knows how to do that much.

I felt bad for him that he has to take all this medication and there's nothing, or at least, no one can help with his illness.

I turned around and thought, well after today, I will be that someone. 

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