Chapter 3

3 2 1

1:00 pm, I saw from my watch, and started to think of what I was going to be saying to Congress about my invention.

Okay, um, first start to introduce yourself, mention what you do, but not too much, you know you can ramble a lot, I laughed to myself, and start to bring in the idea of your invention. Tell them that it's-

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard the phone ring on the other side of the room. I rushed over to it as I remembered the front desk lady was going to call if the movers arrived.

"Hello?" I answered excitedly.

"Ella Cooder? Your delivery has arrived." The lady had a calm tone in her voice, but for me I couldn't really keep my excitement in for long.

"Thank you so much!" I hung up and went to my brother. But then I came to a sudden stop when I saw that he was sleeping in his chair. I didn't want to wake him up, seeming how all the pills can make him drowsy. So I slipped out of the room as quietly as I can.

I waited for the elevator to beep and clunk its way to the bottom. Once it did, there I saw the moving truck open its back doors, revealing the invention. Not seeing it for so long it looked really big to the eye.

I glanced at the lady and she had her back to me, but not for long as she turned around and said, "Ms. Cooder! Here's the key to the storage space in the back. You have number 14."

The key jingled in her hand and she handed it over to me and I took it and exclaimed "Thanks again!" She could definitely see the excitement in me.

I rushed to push the door open and the movers turned and instantly recognized me from when we were all in Chicago.

"Follow me, this is going in the storage space for now." I turned left and they followed me with the machine on a (tray) and in a blink of an eye, it was there, locked up safe.

The movers turned back to Chicago, while I was left with still another hour until the appointment.

I was back in my room again, and the sound of the door closed must've woken Victor because he tried his best to turn towards me. But I quickly got to him so he could see me in front of him.

"Don't worry I'm here. Now, my project is here, we still have another hour to go until we leave again, okay? Don't be scared of what's going to happen, just trust me." I said to him slowly and calmly as I can, enunciating every word that came out of my mouth.

He did understand some of the words I said so he nodded in the smallest way he could and I smiled at him. Even though he sees the excitement on my face, he has no idea what's going on in my head.

2:00 came and I was standing outside of the White House, believe it or not. I gripped my brothers wheelchair handlebars and pushed him up the slope that lead to the front door.

No one has really gotten this kind of deal before, especially for someone that has no record of being famous or anything like that. But, a lot of things have changed over the past 30-40 years. Even the design inside has changed. So this is possible, just not that big of a deal, I guess.

I looked behind me as I saw a moving truck, a different one, come up the a sidewalk and unload what was in the back, my project.

I kept on moving up the hill until I saw the windows showing my whole reflection.

I saw a button next to a door and assumed that was like a doorbell for visitors.

A man came to the door and opened it for me, and asked "Name please?"

"Ella Cooder, a-and this is my brother Victor." I stuttered only a little because I was just that nervous of actually being here.

"Ah yes, you've been the talk of the House for quite some time." He gestured me to come in.

"Really?" I laughed and may have felt blood rush to my cheeks.

"Yes. Now we'll need to fill out paperwork, a lot of it, and just to be clear, you're not meeting the President today, you will if the idea passed both House of Reps and the Senate. Today, you'll be meeting with some House of Reps."

I remembered them telling me that for this I will need to fill out a lot of paperwork, that seemed obvious. But the information of meeting House of Reps. members kind of struck me. I knew I would meeting someone special, or important, but this close to the President? This was incredible. Now I know that I really needed to be sophisticated.

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