Chapter 5

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The next morning I was still beaming with happiness. I stayed in bed for a couple more minutes, just resting until I remembered that my brother did need to be checked on. I turned onto my left shoulder to see the other bed, but I didn't see Victor. The sheets all ruffled, I knew he got up somewhere.

My worriedness didn't last long until I heard the toilet flush and the bathroom door open. I turned back onto my right arm and looked up at my brother. Still impressed that he can do many things on his own.

"Hey, good morning." Victor said as he saw my face wide awake and looking at him.

"Morning." I said groggily. I pulled the blanket off of me and put on my glasses that were on the table next to me as I sat up. I saw my jacket on a chair to my left and I picked myself up to go grab it. Meanwhile, my stomach growled. Man I need food, I thought, I haven't really eaten since lunch yesterday, which was basically 3 protein bars and a water.

I turned to my brother as I was putting on my jacket, "Do you want some food? I'm gonna go down to the diner." I as I pulled my brown hair out of the jacket, and grabbing my phone off the bed.

"Sure, I just want to check a couple things, you know, make sure I'm healthy."

I was a little unsteady when he said that. But if he trusts himself to do such a thing as that, then I guess he's okay. But that doesn't mean I didn't hesitate to answer. "..okay, be down quick though."

With that I left the room.

The diner had everything for a breakfast meal, eggs bacon, cereal, pop tarts, everything. It didn't take me long to know what I wanted, classic French toast.

I sat down at a table waiting for Victor, but he would take a long time to check himself, so I got on my large phone out of my small pocket and checked my games and apps, still eating my toast.

It had been 30 minutes, and I already gobbled down my toast and was full. But still wondering where Victor was. I put my plate and utensils on transporting sink, and saw the mouth of it open up and swallow the dishes, directing it into another room where they would get clean.

I rushed up the room, worried for Victor, when I walked in I just saw him staring at the floor, sitting on the edge of the bed.

Trying not to startle him I asked, "Victor, you okay?"

But my voice only made his eyes go directly to mine. No words, no expression, nothing.

After what seemed like a minute of intense staring, he stood up, towering over me it seems.

"I want to say thank you, again, for making the man I always wanted to be."

"Um...welcome?" I was frightened about what he was going to do or say next.

"But I realized something. I can't have anyone standing in my way of being me." He had a deep voice.

I wanted to ask what he was talking about but before I could even get a single syllable out, he took the collar of my jacket and threw me against the wall.

At least that's what I remembered. When I blacked out I could only hear muffled sounds, my head must've been hit really hard, and footsteps heading for the door. Then all I saw, all I heard was black nothing.

When I woke up, I found the whole room disoriented. I tried to get up but all I did was scream out pain as I fell back to ground again. I pulled up my pants to see the problem. A huge, black and purple bruise on it, making me almost forget how to walk.

I tried getting up, determined to find out what my brother did, but all I did was cry out pain in my leg. My eyes were burning because I was in so much pain. I tried to crawl, it seemed to work for a little but every time I stopped, I could feel a fire in my leg burn with a passion.

I was close enough to where my phone was, I reached for and quickly tried calling my brother, seeming how he can now call people, but nothing, just saying "You have reached the voicemail-" I hung up and didn't try again. If he was like this now, what was the point of trying to call him and asking what he was specifically doing. But I saw another thing in my task bar, a missed call. I clicked on it but I didn't recognize the number, luckily there was a voicemail from that number. I pressed the screen and held it up to my ear.

After the message was done I was in trouble, not my brother, but me.

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