Harry Styles Ex.

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Part I- Starting Over.

 Chapter One- Introduction!!

***Georginas POV***

Hi, I'm Georgina Rosie Collins.

Yes, yes....the Georgina. The girl known to have dated Harry Styles.

Harry Styles the name rings in my ear. Well, that’s forgotten. I am staring my life over, new and fresh. I don’t want to only be known as the girl who dated Harry Styles, Pop sensation.

We broke up for one, big, fat reason! To be honest I do regret it sometimes but what happened....I want to forget! I will never again talk of that moment and of what he did! I shall never forgive him.

We dated for what...about 3 months? Something like that and we have now been broken up for about 2 months.

I have gotten a new boyfriend who I really like. He's so sweet, so kind. He's perfect. We are going to spend a whole summer together, full of romance.

I need to let those 3 wonderful but horrid months leave my mind. I don’t want to love Harry, but some part of me disagrees and wants me to love him. I shall and will refuse!

That’s why I want to start over. Begin my new life.

Even though I know I will be forever...

Harry Styles Ex.


Hello My little Leprechauns!

How are you??

I have decided to write a new book (: I hope you enjoy it, i wrote a lot of it on my holiday so it has quite a bit of detail :)))

Love you,

Please Comment and Vote if you want to!!

Georgina xxx <3

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