Chapter 2. relationships..

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As the norm Donovann isn't a relationship person at all he's much better off as being single.

When I'm single it feels like I get way more stuff done on time and correctly. I make much bigger moves with my projects when I'm single. I know this is weird but I like to argue sometimes with my spouse but if you get on my nerves I lose it but I'm also a handful which a lot of people say.

The reason why I think I'm not good at relationships is because of my jealousy I know that for a fact and the other reason is because I'm just plum flat out crazy.

But I'm really protective over the people I love and I will do some dangerous shit just to get what I want. Only for the people I love.

Do I wish to be in relationships in the future... Yes! Of course because now I'm more self respected and self tamed I think I could do it.

It's just determined on what kind of place I'm in at the moment in my life.

I swear if you dated me I salute you because my standards are really high! But I really don't regret anything from my past relationships because they were all lessons in my life for the better of me.

I can say I'm not good at relationships because I'm honestly selfish and have trust issues. But that doesn't keep me from trying just having that motivation.

But if you think you can date me and take over me ... "You got the wrong bitch"

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