Chapter 5.friendships

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    In the past friendships with me were always a rollercoaster one day we're good next minute were arguing then I apologize but go back and do it again.

   Friendships aren't really a big deal to me like wooo hooo! But I do value them because you're apart of my life and we set memories together!

  I'm sure you guys read My Life and My Life Part 2 before they were deleted and knew that my formal friends left me to hang to dry.

   I know I was and mad about everyone leaving me but I understand now! Shit if I had a friend that I argued with almost every other day I would dust them hands off and drop.

  But lately I've been trying to move on from that slowly but trying.

   Friends should be there for you support you when you're making moves. Be there for motivation and they were. But it just took a toll on me when I was in a very low part in my life and looking for my friends they weren't there.

    Would I work on rebuilding? ummmm not so sure

   But friends are a gift the curse is if they're real or just fucking you over.

  Friends are amazing to have but sometimes you have to just forget friends for a while and find yourself because friends could be curse because you're really not focused on yourself but them!

Another advantage for friends is their good when you're going through things. But when they're mad they could be some snakes and use that against you.

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