chapter 6

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Look at how a single candle can both defy and define the darkness.

Anakin sits back, astonished. He had not been aware of this ulterior motive of capturing Elara, and he is angry. She does not deserve the chance to be a Jedi, after creating havoc across the galaxy that has been so difficult to undo.

Elara is stunned to the point of being mute.

"I will not be a part of the Jedi race," she dares to protest, almost a hiss in her voice as she casts an angry look to Obi Wan, "You all have no right to-"

"You have no choice, Miss Margosa," he replies calmly, "Either you comply, or it is life in prison." He raises his eyes to meet hers, "I'm sorry. I truly am. I was not aware of the plan myself until you were in custody. The council knows that the most effective way to keep you in check is to have you train and join the Jedi. They are also impressed with your high midi-chlorian count...They have been trying to get you back to training since you left."

Elara gulps the lump in her throat down. She weighs her two choices in her mind, feeling herself spinning into madness ever so slowly. She knows that life in prison would be the end of her; she would slowly deteriorate, body, mind and spirit. She would lose herself and eventually die. serving the Jedi would be just the same. Trapped by orders and missions and forced to comply to rules she could never agree with, not to mention those who she worked for that are in the Sith would definitely seek her out and destroy her for betraying them.

She always put up the front that she is not afraid of her employers, that her life does not depend on them and she has no alliance to them, but she knows, deep down that every time she works for them, a little piece of her freedom is taken away and given to them to own and watch over. If she became a Jedi...she would be killed.

"Who would train her?" Anakin asks, "She's already an adult. Most padawan a start their training young. How could she become a Jedi now?"

Elara hears an edge in his voice as she watches him closely. His fists are clenched on the table, his eyes fiery.

"I have volunteered both you and I for the job," Obi Wan responds steadily. Anakin gets up so quickly that it makes Elara jump, dropping her silverware to the floor. He storms out with his arms by his side.

Elara can hear his pounding footsteps grow farther away by the second, wincing every time another footfall echoes through the halls of the palace. It is silent other than this sound. Obi Wan stares at the floor for a long time.

"I...I should go console him," Obi Wan gets up to leave as he speaks, "Please, feel free to finish your dinner and the guards will escort you back to your room once you've finished."

Elara looks over at the doors that Anakin just rushed out of, and she sees the guards she hadn't noticed before. A wave of bristling anger courses through her.

"How dare you?" Elara is the one to stand now, facing him with no shakiness in her voice, "How dare you tell me I am to become a Jedi and then treat me like a prisoner? How dare you force me to accept an offer and then jail me? Call off the guards. If I'm going to become a Jedi, I want to do it without restraints."

Obi Wan stops to look at her, his eyes pained as if this situation affects him more than it affects her.

"I am sorry, Miss Margosa, but I'm afraid I can't call off the guards. I have orders." With a small bow of his head, Obi Wan leaves.

The moment he leaves, Elara stomps over to the table and looks down at the place settings in disgust. The false perfection of the room she is in and the dress she wears fuels her anger like oxygen to a flame. She feels power in her fingers, a power that she had taken years to shove down to the deepest depths of her being. She welcomes the flow of the force into her hands, and plates begin flying into the walls. All at once, every particle in her body is ablaze and every thing that was on the table is in the air, crashing into the ceiling and walls sporadically. The guards rush in to grab her, but she pushes them against the wall effortlessly. They yell and shout for her to let them go, but she ignores them as she walks out of the room.

Elara begins to devise a plan in her mind to escape. She will not stay here any longer, and now that the force has been awoken within her once more, she will be able to get out quickly. She moves faster now, the idea of freedom causing her to speed up exponentially every moment.

Suddenly, she hears shouting voices, but they are loud in her head and silent aloud. She stumbles, pressing her hands to her ears and shutting her eyes tightly. The voices do not cease. She recognizes one voice as Obi Wan's, and the other is Anakin.

"Why are you so angry? This hardly affects you, Anakin. In fact, it benefits you; you'll be promoted to Jedi master once her training begins."

"Elara does not deserve to be trained! She is a criminal! I know it's hard for us to remember that, especially you, for whatever reason," there is venom in Anakin's voice as he speaks, "but she is a criminal. She has been since she betrayed the order all those years ago. Training will not change her; I can promise you that."

"We can try, Anakin," Obi Wan is pleading; she can tell by the strain, "Every one deserves a second chance. You, of all people, should understand that."

"'Me of all people'?"

It is silent in her mind for a moment, but Obi Wan's voice breaks it, casting her back into the conversation in a whirlwind.

"Anakin, she will waste away in prison if we do not train her. It took me forever to strike this deal with the Council. Please, Anakin. She is strong with the force. She can handle the rigorous training, and at least she'll have something of a life. Behind bars, she'll have nothing."

"Training is a long and drawn out process, Obi Wan," Anakin retorts, "I'll be away from home for far too long training her...I'll be away from Padmé for far too long."

The way his voice softens when he says that name sends shivers down her spine. Who is Padmé? Why are so many emotions that aren't hers running through her now?

"Anakin...please. For me. She was like a younger sister to me. She will waste away to nothing without this opportunity."

She hears Anakin sigh.

"Fine. But we take her home soon. I don't want to stay here any longer than we have to."

"We can just begin her training here. We don't have to go-"

"Yes, we do, Master."

Obi Wan replies after moments of silence, "We leave in four days."

"Why four days?"

"We must earn her trust first. She has to agree to becoming a Jedi affirmatively and willingly. I will not just throw her in a cell and transport her there."

Elara is tossed back to her own mind, jumping into her body with a start.

"There!" she hears a guard shout from behind her. She looks over her shoulder to see the man pointing at her, and he is followed by many others. She begins to run again, but thoughts make her head spin. Elara feels herself slowing, her body suddenly weighing much more than it had before as if gravity is crushing her, yanking her towards the ground with no hint of gentleness in its movements. She groans as black enters her vision, falling to the ground slowly. Darkness welcomes her with open arms as she fades out of consciousness.


Thank you guys for reading! Sorry this chapter kinda sucks, I hope it's not too short and you all like it! Please vote and comment because your love makes me so happy okay I love you all I'll update again soon.

IN THE MEANTIME please go check out my original story! I'll be posting the first chapter of that very soon, but the intro is up and I'm really proud of it. Thank you, love you all.

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