chapter 9

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He looks at her and sees the stars and she looks at him and sees the sun and they both think the other is just looking at the ground.

Never has Elara felt more uncomfortable in her own skin than under the gaze of Anakin. As they walk toward the doors to the outside world, he watches her periodically. She can feel it; since the day they met, she has been able to feel his eyes on her body, on her face, on her skin and smile. At first, it was faint, but as her bond with the Force grows stronger, so did her senses when it came to Anakin. She feels him without even having to touch.

They walk in silence, as they usually do, never knowing quite what to say or where to put their emotions when they finally get the nerve to open their mouths. Anakin imagines the scolding Obi Wan will probably do later on upon hearing about taking Elara outside the castle walls.

How dare you take her outside with no back up, he will say. She is a runner, Anakin. That has not been beaten out of her, Anakin.

Obi Wan is an impeccable actor around Elara. Elara has no idea about the lack of faith Obi Wan has for her. After all these years, he has never gotten over the fact that Elara broke the bond that they had with each other, leaving a trail of fire in her wake as she escaped his clutches seemingly forever. He can pretend he has forgotten, but Anakin knows, after so many conversations about the matter, he can never forgive.

Recklessness is a trait Jedi are not supposed to have, but she has it, and that had angered Obi Wan then, and it still does now.

For Anakin, it only makes him like and respect Elara more. Inside her lies a reckless spirit. Inside him lies the same.

He is afraid that her spirit may cause him trouble now. He is afraid that he might regret letting her have this small, temporary escape, for she may run, just as she has done before. Anakin is not sure if he could handle that.

They reach the doors, and he sees her reach out for the door handle. He steps in front of her swiftly. She folds her arms with a smirk, standing her ground.

"Second thoughts?" Elara speaks, her tone challenging, yet playful.

"No," he replies, amused. He towers over her, but she is not intimidated. She has never been, and probably never will be.

"I just need you to promise me you won't run away," Anakin adds.

Again, Elara does not falter, "Why? Would you miss me?" It is meant as a joke, but both of them sense a hint of earnestness underlying in her voice.

"I would be in big trouble if you left," he responds after a moment.

"You'd be in big trouble because you'd miss me," she challenges again, stepping a bit closer to him.

Elara is never sure where the sudden bursts of playfulness arise from. On the outside, she is teasing, and she executes it smoothly, but on the inside...she feels unsure in her steps and in her words. And yet, her abrupt, instinctual manner always wins over, and the thought that she wants to put into her actions is thrown away.

"Just please...promise me that you will stay put," Anakin's smile leaves his face, completely serious now, "If we had to go after you again, the Council and the Senate would not be so lenient with your sentence."

Now is when she falters. For a moment, there is silence yet again.

Elara finds herself wanting to follow his commands, something she never thought she would want. Her word is sacred, which is why she never gives it to anyone. Giving him her word now means much more than he can ever imagine.

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