t h r e e | Cheese and Crackers

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The name of this chapter was my favorite snack when I was a younger, and it still is XD





Just as he said that Allison appeared. Walking up to a tree and leaned on it, rubbing lightly on her forehead. "Are you sure she's not a lupo?" she questioned. "She can sure as hell head butt like one." she commented. Grayson turned his head and looked at her and shook his head "No non sòno sicuro, ché non puzza come uno." he spoke to her in a language that I recognized my Mother use to speak to Theo. I think it was French? No it was Italian.

I couldn't help but think how hot his deep voice sounded when he spoke to her.

Jesus. What's wrong with me?

She scoffed and laid her head back on the tree, her hands lazily fall to her sides, putting all her weight on the tree. I looked back at the direction I was running. The house was no longer on fire but had smoke emerging from the windows and what used to be the roof. The house was no longer grey and white. It was now a black charcoal color.

The sky was now grey and it cackled to life as the harsh rain came pouring down. Great. I wrapped my arms around me and shivered as I let out a shaky breath. Grayson's dark brown eyes immediately met my grey ones. I glared at him as I was shivering,

"Are we done here, it's fucking freezing and I want to go back home." I yelled over the rain.

"Yes we're done here-" he turned and looked at Allison, "go ahead and go back to the car Silas is waiting." She nodded and walked off. Silas? I'm guessing that was the big beefy dude that I kicked in his manhood. Grayson sighed and turned his head to look at me "let's go" he said as he ushered me with his hand. I took a step back "No, I'm not going anywhere with you."

He shoulders sagged "Look we can do this the easy way or the hard way, your choice." His voiced  was just a little bit louder than the rain. He sounded tired, I looked back at the small house in the distance. There was no longer people outside and the smoke stopped. Do they really think I died? I thought. I turned my head back around only to find Grayson gone.

I squinted my eyes to see if the rain or lightning was playing tricks on me. He was gone, really gone. I turned around and started sprinting towards the house. Once I got close enough I stopped to look at the little burnt house.

I hesitated to go inside or not to see if grandfather would still be in there if he survived. I shook my head and continued running, my boots hitting the soggy grass as the rain poured down. My ankle throbbed in pain as I threw myself against my tree and slid down till I my knees were tucked in my stomach. I let out a shaky breathe as I can hear my heart beating out of my chest. I stuffed my clenched fists into my hoodie pocket, I felt something cold and hard as I put my hands in trying to clam down. My phone, I'm surprised it didn't fall out. I put my hand over the screen so it doesn't get wet and turned it on.

11:23 pm.

Right now grandfather would inject me with what I would like to believe is vitamins or at least that's what my mom and grandfather said. But every time I'd asked they just shook there head and tell me not to worry to trust them.

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