f i v e | Now

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If you would've told me days ago that my house would be burned down with my grandfather in it and possibly my mother, making me get chased causing me to probably pop my ankle out of place again and getting kidnapped by this guy who claims he knows my father I probably would've laughed in your face.

But now as I'm sneaking out of this huge- gigantic house after Grayson specifically said 'To stay inside' and hearing screams mixed with growling and last the gun shots going off I realized this is no longer a dream. My grandfather is dead, my house and everything I owned is gone, my bother is MIA and so is my mother along with my baby sister. It's crazy to know that your life can change in a span of 8 to 12 hours.

Right now I'm currently walking down the huge staircase which I believe leads to the living room. Grayson didn't exactly give me a 'tour' so I was on my own. I got to admit I was kind of worrying for the guy it was dark the rain that stopped now is pouring and the screams were getting louder and louder as I entered the living room. I started looking around the big living room for and exit, there was the door buy the huge tv it was one of those curves tv's where you can sit at "any" angle and still see everything the tv say on a dark stand on the bottom of the tv was stacks of DVDs and frames with pictures in them, There was also a fireplace on the right side of the tv. As I was walking toward the door a picture caught my eye.

It was a little girl around four or five she had long dark brown hair and light gray eyes, there was one little boy who look around six or seven, on her right with his arm around her shoulders with a huge grin on his face showing his left dimple and then on her left was 2 more little boys they also looked around six or seven with also huge smiles on their faces. The little boy also had dark brown hair but his eyes were a chocolate color and the farthest boy on her left had light blonde hair with dark green eyes, the last boy on her left had brown hair and blue eyes. They all looked so happy but I couldn't help noticed that this little girl in the picture kind of looks exactly like me but only younger. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and rubbed my head, every time I tried to think about anything from my childhood my head would just start pounding. It was wierd. And I didn't like it one single bit, maybe I'll ask Grayson about this picture when I see him....

I opened the door and slowly walked outside clutching the blade in my hand cautiously. The growling started getting louder so did the screaming. I started walking towards the direction the sounds were coming from I was almost there I could hear snarling. A loud agonizing howl filled the air and I froze as searing pain erupted in my stomach, I cried out in pain as I shot my arm out leaning against a tree holding my stomach. I looked at the scene ahead and gasped, wolves snarling and clawing at other wolves I couldn't even tell which side to fight for....

I continued looking at the scene and my eyes landed on Grayson he has holding his lower stomach with his left arm, as blood seeped out of his wound and onto his shirt and the other shakily holding a gun pointing at a large black wolf's head. I pulled out the two blades he had given me earlier and stuffed in into my boot and clenched the other in my right hand, I huffed and started sprinting towards him. I dodged a wolf then another, I was tackled to the ground and pinned down, my blade slipping out of my hands and landed on the side of my head by a grey and brown colored wolf.

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