Chapter One - The day she left

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I lay on the couch watching Disney movies. I don't remember much. Mainly because I was only four years old when it happened. Our home wasn't big, it was very little actually. Thinking back to the living room, there was only a medium sized sofa and one old tv. I hear the song of my mother while she's in the kitchen, catching her Singing the exact same song as always.

"Above black eagles wheeling,
All of a sudden swooping,
My little baby stealing
Sleep little baby, sleep.

Above black eagles soaring,
A crown of pearls left lying,
Your stupid father snoring,
Sleep little baby, sleep.

Above black eagles flying,
My little baby clutching,
And all the world a-spying,
Sleep little baby, sleep

Above blackbirds ascending,
My baby's flesh a-rending,
And all the world attending.
Sleep little baby, sleep"

I smiled to myself , letting her smooth and calm voice echo throughout my head. I loved my mother, she was my everything. From bathing me and singing to me to making my dinner and helping make me stronger. what more could I ask for? Well obviously nothing else since she's gone.
I'll never forget what she did to me. How she betrayed me. I was only four years old. How could someone, especially a mother do that? Anyway, back to the memory. As the movie continues on my mother came into the living room holding a bowl of hot vegetable soup, something I often ate. She handed it to me and then sat down on the sofa.
My mother slowly started to speak after I took a bite of my soup. Although my mother was speaking, I realized she wasn't speaking to me. She was just speaking to thin air. My head began pounding and I found my mother rushing back into her bedroom. I cried out in pain, screaming my mother's name. "MOTHER, MOTHER! HELP! MOTHER! PLEASE!" After what seemed to be fifteen minutes, she came back out with a knife.
Chanting, thumping, laughing, that's all I heard as my mother shoves my body off the couch. I frantically cried asking my mother what was wrong. I promised her that I'd be good, so I didn't know why she was doing this. She hadn't been acting her normal self. It had been going on for about a month and she would randomly push me around. I usually got her calmed when she would make a scene, but this time she kept on going. Begging didn't seem to faze her, only make her more inclined to carry out her previous actions.
Taking the knife and slicing her finger open she straddled me, pulling off my shirt. Being the weak and helpless four year old, against a grown woman, I knew I wasn't going to be freed from her grasp any moment soon. She drew a symbol in the blood on my head and on my stomach, causing more fear and pain to hit me. I was crying so hard that she forced my mouth shut and jammed the knife into the center of the symbol drawn on my stomach. Losing my breath, I began to squirm less and less.
My mother wrenched the knife, forcing my skin to coincide with her wretched blades demands. Trying hard to stay awake and keep my breathing steady. I'm your little girl, why would you do this mom? I thought you loved me.
The police came busting through the door just as my mother was about to ram the knife into my head. Flashing lights, yelling, pounding, that's all I saw and heard before everything ran dark.

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