Chapter Three - Turning back for time

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This creature who resembled a young woman, stood in front of my desk staring at me. 'I wonder if she'll notice when I look away' Looking back at the paper, my heart races and I keep it that way for the rest of the period. The bell finally rang, signalling to switch classes. Luckily I worked hard in all those petty years of baby school, so now i'm a head of the game, that just meaning that I don't have to attend two of my seven classes.
I could leave earlier, lunch goes right before the next two classes I UNattend, but i'd feel bad about leaving Taylor there. I mean, if I hate it so much and he's my friend, he's surely got to hate it as well. I made it through the first four classes, and now it was time for lunch. I entered the Cafetorium and immediately i'm collected into a tight embrace. "Taylor.. I can't really breath." He let out a soft chuckle and sat me back on my feet. Taylor was making his way to the lunch line while I calmly walked over to our usual area. On my way outside, I saw that same girl from this morning. Her back was turned to me and she was further out by the football field. Once again I couldn't see her very well, but I knew it was her. Setting down a bag of chips by the tree, I turned my back to the girl, pretending not to be bothered. As I turned back around, the girl from far away was staring directly at me. This time was completely different from this morning. I could see exactly what she looked like. Her pale skin with streaks of flaming red. She looked badly burnt, like someone beat her then incinerated her and she managed to make a way out alive. But she wasn't alive, or at least she couldn't be.
This sight was the worst thing i've seen since my mother and her..- I wouldn't want to think of that. Taking a deep breath, I hear Taylor walking up behind me. " Taylor? is that you?" There was no reply. "Tay..?" Still no reply. Too afraid to turn myself around, I take a big gulp and ball up my fists. I immediately swing my body around and throw my fist at whatever was behind me. I only open my eyes when whatever it was grabbed my wrist. " Hey! Calm down tiger" It said. I finally looked up to see the school's best footballer standing in front of me. " Chris.." I said in a monotone voice. "Awe aren't you happy to see me babe and not that pain in the ass Taylor?" He smirked at me and kept a tight grip on my wrist.
"What do you want Chris?" I asked as I finally got out of his grip. "Nothing in particular, just wanted to know if you were coming to the party after the game on Friday." I honestly wasn't in the mood for this, after what I just saw I can't really think of anything else. I see Taylor on his way over and my thoughts left me in a now calmed manner 'ahh my brave yet.... Obnoxious savior' I casually ignored Chris and sat down by the oak tree. Taylor came up and looked at the two of us, obviously confused. "What's Christopher doing here?" Taylor asked as he eyes Chris closely than, did the same with my physical state. "It's Chris to you Taylor". His voice was low, almost like a distinct growl. I shook my head and stood to my feet again. "Look Chris, can you get lost? I'm trying to eat here in peace and strangers are not welcome." My words were cold and my actions even more chilling. He eventually left Taylor and I on our own but couldn't leave us in peace, that's for sure. I let out a sigh and closed my eyes. "You alright Leena?" I didn't hear a thing, my mind was completely blank. My brain was filled with the image of that girl, her flesh burning, bones crackling ready to burst from the heat intensity.
'Screaming my name? She was crying out my name. What am I supposed to do?' I silently started to walk towards the steep hill. I couldn't hear anything, it was quiet.. So very quiet. My eyes were wide open and my heart was pounding. What's happening to my body? I don't know. I can't control this feeling, the feeling of emptiness and fear. I saw the same girl all the way by the football field again, she was moving her mouth as if she was trying to tell me something, something important. As my feet made their way so close to the edge, I heard her whisper. It echoed through my head. "Watch out" then I fell.
I woke up in an in unfamiliar place, or at least that's what seemed as first. I shifted my body on the soft surface only to see Taylor sleep on the other side. I think I'm in Taylor's room but, why his room? Slowly I moved towards the bed's edge not wanting to wake up Tay. Before I could place my feet on the ground, I saw this man at his door. The man didn't particularly seem as if he was real. I tried to lay back down but I couldn't move at all, my eyes were wide open and I was unable to contribute strength anywhere on my body. Daylight automatically turned into darkness and I was left feeling quite vulnerable to this man. He came towards me slowly and very distortedly. Tears were running down my face, I couldn't make a move, I was stuck there. As the man approached closer, he looked as if someone had just stood in a bright light and all that was left of them was their three dimensional shadow. Placing it long black hand over my stomach, it began to repeatedly dig it's claws down into me. I couldn't scream, it was like my voice was gone completely. Taylor was right there, right there sound asleep. I could feel the pain, it was agonizingly strong. Struggling to make at least one sound or movement to get Taylor's attention. Nothing, everything around me was suddenly gone. I was able to see myself, but still unable to control myself. There was still that gut wrenching pain in my stomach. 'Taylor! Taylor! please wake up! I need your help!!' only my thoughts could portray my mouths actions. This creature is centimeters from my face and I was terrified. It's as if this thing wanted nothing but for me to fear it. I'm not completely certain but I can figure out when someone, or in this case something threatening me.
My body shot up from the bed and I screamed. Taylor woke immediately and grabbed my shoulders, spinning my body around towards him. He shook me a couple times and I came back to reality. "Leena! Are you okay? Are you hurt??!" He yelled as he inspected my body. Tears started to pour down my cheeks, at this moment in time I didn't care if I looked strong or not. All I wanted was to figure out what's happening because something's not right.

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