Chapter Five- Family Night

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9:30 pm
Diary: I woke up next to Angelique. She had stopped crying thankfully and fell asleep. I'm so exhausted from earlier and all that crap that happened. It's like everything I say or do, no matter who it's to is turning my life into a total piece of trash. Especially when it comes to that witch Marissa!
How could someone like her even be real? Sometimes I think satan must've cooked her up like, he decided he wanted to have a henchman on earth... so that the innocence of children could be sucked up and devoured; and if that was our case it definitely would be Marissa. Treating us like shit every day, dismissing serious issues, and letting her anger control her, I'm done. The fact that I've been dealing with this bullshit since I came to this house is ridiculous. Neverminding all of that It's Friday and we've got today and the rest of next week off from school. It's getting pretty chilly out so I better start switching out the little bits of clothing my siblings and I have to suit winter.

~Talk soon, Leena

I slowly sat upward, trying not to wake up Angelique. Quietly I kiss her forehead and Stand up. before I exit the kid's room my eyes land on Parsley and Romeo fast asleep on the top bunk. nothing like a midday nap to calm everyone down. Making my way downstairs I see a man sitting on the couch, barely covered by his clothes. I sigh and walk somewhat closer to see the man's face. "Mr. Reed! What the hell are you doing here?" I silently shouted. He's married to Taylor's mom so why would he be here? "Oh um... Leena! Why are you here?" I sighed without taking my eyes off him. "I could easily be asking you the same question." My tone of voice was dull and my tolerance level for idiocy was low. "Well, I just came over to drink some wine with your mother..." I sighed, scratched my head, and crossed my arms. "First of all That THING is not my mother and secondly Mr. Reed, I need you to get the hell out or I'm gonna have to call a meeting with Taylor and your WIFE Brenda." As I threatened he bolted off the couch, seeming somewhat nervous about his appearance. I watched him pathetically scurry out the back door. Of course, I wasn't going to tell Taylor what I saw. I knew it would be devastating to not only his mother but him as well.

Right as Mr. Reed closed the door Marissa came downstairs, immediately scoffing at my presence. "Marissa... Why was Taylor's dad here?" The question floating through the air, sucking up the blatantly obvious answer that didn't need an explanation. Yet of course as always, I repeat myself until she finally decides to answer. "It's none of your business brat. I'll do what I want when I want and with whomever I want." With the venom-filled words being thrown in my direction it's almost as if I can smell the desperation that Mr.Reed had left on her breath. Marissa smacks her lips together and cuts her lids at me. "Now I'm going out and won't be back until later. Don't bother me with trivial issues while I'm gone or you can kiss your freedom goodbye." I roll my eyes and turn away from her making my way into the kitchen, hearing the front door slam and the car out front start. "Freedom huh? that's rich!" I cackle to myself and pull out a large pot " it's getting late, I think Vegetable soup for dinner will do"

I make my rounds to and from the fridge, collecting vegetables from a small variety. One by One I chop them into somewhat fine pieces and then set them aside. After grabbing some beef broth from the pantry, I pour it into the pot and set the flame to its highest point. I wait a few minutes for it can boil before I add in the veggies. As the broth begins to boil I slowly slide the vegetables off the cutting board and into the liquid. I grab some spices and instant-cooked noodles adding them to the pot as well. A salty but faintly sweet smell fills the small raggedy kitchen, thus causing me to softly smile. I think about the times when my life used to be easy... not a single care in the world. If only I could go back to that, I would. I miss my mother, even though she ended up crazy. I miss my small bedroom, stuffed animals, and the sound of cars driving by. All these things flood my mind and I wonder how I got here. If my life hadn't panned out to shit so early maybe I'd be.... different. While my mind wonders the sound of pitter patters find their way near. " Leena?" I snap out of my mental trance and turn to the doorway of the kitchen/living room connector. There I see Romeo standing with a calm but sad look on his face. I turn the stove heat low and walk over to him. "Romeo, what's wrong?" He looked at me and then looked down at the ground. "Come on, You know you can tell me." I smile at his small physique and squat to be level with his vision. "I'm sorry that I couldn't help you and Angelique when Miss. Marissa loses her cool. I should've done something! I mean I'm the only boy in the house, I shouldn't be afraid!" Romeo frowns and crosses his arms, trying to hold in the tears as if to act strong. I Giggle gently at his actions and tilt his head up from the ground. "Romeo listen to me, it's not your fault at all. You're only ten years old, this is the last thing you should be worrying about. you're still a little kid and I don't want you to feel like you're useless because you're not. There will come a time when you have to start maturing, but for right now just try and enjoy mine and your sister's company." I stand back up and turn my back to Romeo, checking on the soup. "Go and get Parsley and Angelique, tell them that dinner is almost done." I speak from over my shoulder and smile as Romeo scurries off to get the girls. 'Gosh, what am I gonna do? I don't know how much longer I can keep them safe.'

I grab some bowls and pour the hot soup into them. Bringing them into the living room I almost run straight into the kids. Romeo, Angelique, and Parsley run around me excited to eat something that wasn't cold, old, or bland. "Jeez, you guys almost made me spill this all over the place." I laugh and shake my head setting the bowls down on the small coffee table. The three kids idly plop down to the floor. I distribute the silverware and they start to chow down. Sitting beside them I do the same. We finish up our dinner and my eyes slip from one child to the other. "Who wants to play a game?" My question is quickly answered by multiple voices that all scream yes. I grab some options from behind the couch and smile. "Pick your poison..." Their eyes light up and they all suggest speak out. We set up the games and take turns playing. Laughter fills the air as everyone has a wonderful time. I realize it's getting late and sigh gently while the kids continue on laughing. Stretching I stand up and grab the empty bowls off the floor. Angelique looks my way and smiles. I smile back and make my way to the kitchen. A sigh escapes my mouth and I begin to wash the dishes in the sink. As I wash, my hand slips off the bowl and slides against one of the piled-up knives. I recoil my hand back and wince. "Ahh, what the hell..." I hold my hand and turn the faucet to cold before running my hand under it.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2023 ⏰

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