Truth about Bubbles

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I called for my dad!
I can't believe this happened! Bubbles! He was on the ground I front of my room! There was lots of blood on the ground! Who did this?
I was sitting in a chair next to bubbles hospital bed. I hope he'd end up fine. His eyes flickered open and he started breathing heavily
"Huh...what happened?" He asked trying to sit up.
"I'm not sure" I told him
He looked over at me. He started to blush. You could tell he didn't know I was sitting next to him until I spoke.
"!" He sputtered
"You don't have to be shy around me."
I told him.
"'s hard not to be."
"Because........" He mumbled I couldn't hear the rest.
"Speak up please" i said softly.
"Because I...." He whispered
"BECAUSE I LOVE YOU!!" He shouted. He blushed a red so bright it matched the stripe in my hair. He quickly slapped his hoove over his mussle.
"So! That's something that's hard to admit!!" He cried
"But it's okay! Because.....I like you back" I lied. I really didn't have a crush on him...i said it to make him mistake!!!!

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