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I woke up. Today I had to make a big choice. If I was gonna leave or not. I paced for an hour. Giving myself a list of pros and cons.
"Can you stop pacing! Your making me dizzy!" Sun steak said as he appeared in my room.
"What are you? The trashier cat or something??" I asked.
I still couldn't believe this crayon carton was Crystal flowers dad! (In case you don't remember who that is: it's the pony who used to be a crystal pony but ran away from the crystal empire  when King sombra returned.)
He was say evil but she isn't!
"I'll go." I sighed.
"Great. Follow me. We need to move fast or we'll get caught.
He led me to a tunnel. But it was dumb if us not to think there wasn't a camera in my room! Guards we after us- and one of them was ocean!! Tears formed in my eyes as we ran. They we're pretty far back. I tripped. All of them we're really slow...expect Ocean.
"IM NOT A MINDLESS CLONE!!!" He called to me.
I was hurt and was having troubles getting up. Sun streak didn't notice I fell.
"I HAVE FEELINGS...JUST LIKE YOU!!" He yelled to me.
He stopped In front of me.
"I love you and I care about you!"
When I looked into his eyes I could tell he wasn't lying.
"Come with me. We'll be safe together! Come with us." I pleaded. At that moment I realized the weried feeling inside I felt when I met him: love.
I stood up and held out hoof to him.
"Ok" he agreed.
We ran so fast we caught up to sun streak who wasn't aware of me tripping or Ocean tagging along.
That's when ocean stopped by some boulders.
I stopped to. So did sun streak
"Come on!! Why did you stop?"
I ignored Sun streak.
"Keep going! Don't look back!" Ocean told me.
"Not without you!" I pleaded.
He looked down.
"I can't I don't remember the outside world.  I won't fit in. This is all I've ever known. I can't leave it! Plus I'll make sure they never come after you! So you'll stay safe...forever." He told me.
Tears streamed down my faced.
"Now go. Before you become full grey.
It was coving every part of me besides my eyes and nose. I ran up and kissed him.
"Never forget me!" I cried
"Impossible! No matter how hard I try...I will never forget you, color!" And with that the boulders piled down.
Sun Streak. Grabbed my hoof. And he ran. He held me close as we ran. I never knew it until the moment he held me close, but I did have feelings for Sun Streak. He wiped my tears away and kissed me on the forehead.
"You know how earlier I said that I lied to you about everything?" He asked.
"Ya." I said. I really didn't want to be reminded.
"I guess I lied to you about that..." W admitted
"I loved you when I was bubbles...but I still love you," he told me.
We both smiled. And we kept running until then end of the dark tunnel. This was a big moment...for us both.

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