Final chapter

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We stepped outside the tunnel. I was expecting to die...but instead I went back to normal.
We laughed. He kissed me and we both blushed.
That's when I remembered!!
Oh my gosh!! I was gone for 6 days!! And I was suppose to go to Paradises house! She's probably worried sick!!
I stepped into the light of ponyville with Sun Streak right next to me.
I explained everything that happens to me to Paradise and Sun Streak and my cuts we're the proof.
She was worried and she promised that that would never happen again.
Things we're looking bright between Sun and I
I was really happy.
I also told everything that happened to Crystal Flower. She was so sorry and I mean SOOOOOOO sorry. She also vowed to make sure that her dad wouldn't harm me again!!
It was finally night time and I lend Sun streak a place to stay in cloudsdale for awhile. As my head hit the pillow...nothing felt the same. I missed Ocean. And I will never forget the words he spoke that I pondered over and over again.
"If you go"

                              THE END

I hope you enjoyed the book! It was really fun to write and I'm very proud of it!! I hope you all like it and I'm sorry a lot of it is mind teasing and cornfusing (I spelt it like that on PORPUS!) Sorry😂😂 PLEASE read my other books and Comment if you liked it or not! Thanks!

If you goOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz