Chapter 14*Unedited*

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Enya's Pov
I stared at Malachi he was holding the blue dust bag that I gave him.
"Why do I feel so empty..." I asked Malachi
"Thats how ghosts are.." He said crouching next to me.
Zoey came up.
"I can start making the potion to revive her original body." She offered
"Thank you Zoey." Malachi said.

"Its so weird being dead.." I said looking at my hands that were a dusty light blue that showed a part of ground below me.

I looked at the bird and it still came up to me.
"At least she's safe." I said smiling.
"You literally sacrificed your life for a bird..." Aphmau said shocked
"What.. Im not gonna let it die. At least one of us is alive." I said looking at her.

Malachi helped me stand up and I almost fell through the ground.
"This is so weird..." I whispered ginally mastering standing.
I took a step and my foot slipped through the wood.

"GAH!" Malachi caught my ghost hand and smiled sadly.
Aaron came over to me.
"Why are you a ghost.." He asked coming closer to me.

"Ah well i saved a baby bird and this seaweed monster thing drowned me."I replied calmly
"HOW CAN YOU THROW AWAY YOUR LIFE SO CARELESSLY!" Laurance and Dante yelled at me
I shrugged

"you are so confusing.." Aaron mumbled
"Why am I confusing?" I asked he looked back up at me
"How did you hear that.." He asked
"I've got good hearing." I replied
"Your just confusing.. No one knows your true emotions.. Or anything really..."he said going close to me

"Hmmm.. STORY TIME!" I yelled and Kawaii-cham,Aphmau,Laurance,Garroth,Aaron,Dante and Levin a Malachi all sat on logs while a made a fire.
"Okay.. So
Once upon a time a little girl lived happily by herself.
One day shadow knights kidnapped her.
They turned the girl into a shadowknight.
She then was left alone in the forest.
She stole. A thief and assassin you could say.She was a ruthless killer when she was only 9.
A lovely couple took her in with their own daughter.
They were like royalty.
The girl happily ran around playing like any normal child.
Her best friend Ivan played with her
He always had the best games.
One day when they were playing
And and the shadowknights came back for the girl.
They set the village on fire.
They took Ivan and turned him into a shadow knight.
The girl swore she wouldn't have another friend but she didn't keep it.
She found tons of friends but wanted to protect them.
She didn't know how either.
She already lost one of them and she doesn't want to lose the rest. Okay End of story!" I said finishing
"Who was it about..?" Levin asked.

"It was about her" aaron said like it was obvious.
"Idiots.." He whispered after
"What was Ivan like?" Aphmau asked.
I held in a few tears.

"He was the nicest person i knew,He was smart and kind,You could literally say he was an angel." I stated blankly.

??? pov

As a made my way out of the neither portal I saw flames lighting up the darkened sky.
I walked towards them Vylad following behind me.
"Vylad..." I whispered as he went farther up
"Its Phoenix drop." He said.
I'd heard about that place.I stayed in scaleswind hiding my identity and I've heard the Princess escaped around 18 years ago.
No doubt it was Enya.
She was the big trouble maker.she played pranks on everyone...
Even her own family..
I walked over to my horse then saw the red headed female jump over it
"BOO!" She yelled and I fell face first onto the ground.
She laughed like a crazed Hyena.
"Hey wanna help me prank my sister?" She asked her eyes pleading me.
"I-I don't think thats a good idea.." I replied

"To bad!" She grabbed my hand and dragged me to our tree house we built.
She lifted up a bucket of blood red paint.
"Imma go die hold on" she took her pocket knife and cut a hole in her shirt where her heart would be.
She dumped the paint inside her shirt and then got a fake arrow that looked very real.
She stuck it in a piece of wood she stuck in her shirt along with the paint.

She jumped off the tree house and opened her eyes.
They were bloodshot
I never knew how she did that.
She could randomly cry or get blood on herself with out any wounds.

Her pales eyes didn't help. She actually looked dead.
She slowed her breathing.
"Ivan go get Nichole"She said going back to her amazing acting.
I brought nichole and she started crying.

Enya jumped up and scared the living day lights out of her.
She was laughing again
That was the last I saw her
Because the Shadow knights attacked
(That is an Atla thing.^)
End of flashback

I sighed as we made our way towards the camp.
I heard the fire crackle.
Me and Vylad peered by the fire and saw around 8 or 9 figures.
The two in front of us
Had a blue cape with a brown gold symbol.
They had a petite figure.

The other was built with muscle.
I assumed it was a guy so he had a mask covering his face.
But you could see his muscles with or without the cape.
"Come out whoever you are!" The petite girl said judging by the high pitchedness (<That a word?)
But her voice was angelic.
It sounded like a perfect harmony

Me and Vylad stepped out of our hiding spot the girl turned around showing unusual purple eyes.
Where have I seen them.
I soon realized it was Enya..
But it wasn't...

I saw she had died.
I remember coming across a book in northern wolf territory.
It was written by Enya about Spirit dust.


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