Chapter 2, Troye POV

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It was the end of the last day at Vidcon, 2014. Tyler, Zoe, Korey, Connor, Alfie and I were all in the Zalfie hotel room, and it was about 12:30. We had all been there for over an hour, chatting and eating. Tilly and Korey lay in the corner of the room side by side, while Zoe and Alfie sat across from each-other at the table with room service strewn across it. Connor sat a foot away from me, and I glanced over at him, noticing small details about him. His lips were slightly parted, the top buttons of his shirt were undone. His hair, as usual, was impeccable. His green eyes drooped a bit, and he yawned. I snapped my gaze away from him and focused on myself. I was quite tired too, now that I thought about it. I stood and stretched, announcing, "I'm tired, I think I'm gonna hit the hay." I hugged Zoe and nodded to Alfie, waiting for my roomie. Connor hauled himself to his feet, also embraced Zoe, high fived Alfie, and nodded to Ty and Korey. We slipped out into the hallway, making our way to our shared room.

*Click!* the door unlocked as Connor and I stumbled into the dorm. He collapsed onto his twin bed, stretching out his strong frame. I watched him yawn out of the corner of my eye, and I yawned too. "Dude, I'm so tired," he chuckled. I ran a hand through my hair, messing it up, and said, "Yeah, me too. Are you going to change first or should I?" I asked. "You can change in the bathroom, I'll change out here," he said decisively. I nodded and grabbed my night wear, heading for the bathroom. I emerged to find Con lounging shirtless in gray sweatpants, a beanie covering his messy hair. I blinked, trying not to look at his abs. Damn, why was he like this. He's straight. Off limits. Also your best friend. No. I inhaled through my nose and slid under the covers, snuggling down so I was warm and cozy. "Could you turn the light off Connie?" I half asked, half whined. He tossed his phone onto the ground beside his bed and hopped up, flicking off the lights. "Night Troye-boi," Connor said sleepily. "Night Con da Bon," I murmured. I was asleep in seconds.

I stretched out under my sheets, feeling an angry grumble in my stomach. My feet hit the carpet and I slid out of bed, throwing a pillow at Connor. "Get up," I groused. He yawned and rolled out of bed--literally--causing a loud thump to be heard. "It's so early... I'm so hungry..." Con groaned, his morning voice raspy. I forgot to breath for a second when I heard that voice. I punched in the number for room service, seeing as we didn't have a group youtuber breakfast this morning. Vidcon had officially ended. The line rung, then picked up; "Hi this is room service how can I help you?" inquired a tranquil female voice. "Hey, could I get a breakfast burrito?" I asked. "TWO!" Connor chimed in. "Yeah, two breakfast burritos and two glasses of orange juice please? Ok, thanks!" I hung up, grabbed my laptop and phone, and bounded back to my bed. Connor was still on the floor, his face pressed against the rough carpet. And he was still very shirtless. Lovely.

I didn't think it was possible for me to inhale food, but both of our burritos were gone in seconds, washed down by some orange juice. My flight didn't leave until 5:30 pm, and Connor's didn't drive home until around 6:00. However, we checked out of the hotel at 2:00, so we had to spend 3-4 hours milling around Anaheim. It was 12:00, and we had to pack and such, so that is exactly what we set off to do--after hooking my phone up to my speaker and blasting Pandora.

At half past four, Con, Tilly, Zoe and I all sat around a table at a small pub called The Mona, which after some discussion we settled on the assumption that it was the name of the tavern owner. We ordered and ate our late lunch/early dinner, and then made our way to a nearby used bookstore to kill some time. As soon as we stepped inside, Ty went to the romance section and Zo headed to the shelves of lifestyle books--hair, makeup, cooking, and decor. I glanced at Connor and watched as he browsed through the bookstore, his eyes glowing like a child. He flipped through the pages, inhaling the old book scent with joy. I smiled to myself. He was such a cutie. NO! Shit, stop it Troye! He. Is. Straight. AND YOUR BEST FRIEND! I mentally screamed. Why was this so difficult? Maybe it would be easier when I was gone and didn't see him every day. I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't notice how Zoe and Connor had each gotten a book and were pulling Tyler away from Fifty Shades of Grey, or as he called it, Fifty Shades of Gay. I smirked and followed them out of the shop, thinking about how awesome my friends were.

I hugged Zoe the longest and the last, swaying with her a bit. Nobody really knew how close we had become over the last year, and how much she meant to me. She was like my twin sister, my other half almost. I would miss her so much. I then hugged Tyler, who was also very close to me. He was like a brother. Although people shipped #Troyler, I didn't like him romantically, and I was sure he didn't like me in that way either. Last, I hugged Connor. It was a quick hug because I pulled away, but it was long enough for me to feel his muscles and hear his heartbeat. I sighed as I let go, and green met blue as I stared into his eyes and he looked back. He blinked and broke his gaze, watching me climb onto the plane. I looked back at the three of them--my three closest friends. They huddled together and waved, and I waved back. It was a bittersweet moment--I knew I was going home to my family, but I was leaving my friends and I probably wouldn't see them until Vidcon 2015. My feet carried me up the last steps and into my seat. My hands nestled my earbuds into my ears, and I pressed shuffle. Then I let the music take me home.

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