Chapter 6, Troye POV

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I gave the cabbie directions and plugged my headphones into my phone, only sticking my left headphone into my ear and leaving my right earbud dangling. Lose it by Oh Wonder was the first to come on as I pressed shuffle, and I started to hum along with it. I felt my lips parting, and the lyrics burst out of my mouth.

And don't you stop the music

Get into it

Won't you dance with me?

Find a place and lose it

You can do it

Won't you dance with me?

Move your feet and feel it in the space between

You gotta give yourself a moment, let your body be

My quiet singing had gotten louder, and the driver, an old man, looked back at me with a twinkle in his eyes. I reddened and looked at my feet, turning my music down. "You've got a talent there, son," he grunted roughly. My eyes snapped up to him, and a warm feeling spread over me. "Thank you sir," I replied, touched. He grinned. "You can keep singing if you like, it's a pleasure to hear someone like you." I blinked and blushed again. "Thank you sir," I repeated, continuing with; "I released an album earlier this year, it's called TRXYE. Do you mind if I play one of the songs from that?" He nodded and handed me the AUX cord of his rundown car. I tore my headphones out of my phone and replaced them with the thick black cord, starting with Fun. From the first verse to the last, we were both silent, and when the song ended, he paused before saying; "Kid, that was pretty amazing." I smiled. "Thank you for being so kind," I said timidly. He grunted and the car stopped, making me realize that we had arrived. A bit disappointed, I got out of the car with the driver, and grabbed my bag from the back. The driver smiled at me, but I went in and hugged him, paying him double the amount required. His eyes shone, and I was glad to have repaid the favor. When I got to the door, I turned and waved only to see that the kind gentleman had left. I turned, rung the bell, and waited.

"Zoe!" I burst, hugging her tight. "Careful Troye, I'm a girl, that hurts!" she winced as I hugged her, crossing her arms over her chest. I chuckled and let go of her, saying, "Sorry Zo." She laughed as well, pulling me inside and ruffling my hair. "It's good to see you mate!" Alfie cheered, clapping me on the back and almost knocking me over. Zoe informed me that I would be on the couch in the living room, and I told her I was fine with that, because I was close to the kitchen and Nutella. She laughed and led me upstairs, where I turned the corner and parked my bag neatly next to the sofa that was unoccupied, for on the other sofa lay... Damn it. Connor Franta lay on his stomach, browsing on his laptop, his socked feet dangling off the arm of the couch. He tore his deep green eyes away from the screen and stood up, surprising me when I found he was only two or three inches taller than me. "Hey Troye!" he said cheerily, hugging me. I smiled back at him when we parted, and said, "Hello Connah, how are you?" He ran a hand through his quiff, and I sucked in a breath of air. Shit. "I'm good, you?" he responded. "Fine," I mumbled, looking down at my black platform Converse. A silence ensued as we all stood there, thinking the same thing: What now? Alfie cleared his throat and asked, "Who wants to play cards, watch movies and eat late into the night?" We all cheered, and I ran into the kitchen yelling, "I'll get the Nutella!" Zoe ran after me yelling, "You don't know where it is!" Rolling my eyes dismissively and continuing my search, I called back, "I'll find it before you Zo!" I heard laughter from Connor and Alfie at our competition, and hurried my pursuit for the chocolate hazelnut spread.

Three hours later, I was sitting in my usual position in my onesie with my laptop on my stomach, switching tabs between YouTube and Tumblr when Connor turned the lights off. "Hey!" I protested, groping around for the lamp on my bedside table and flipping it on. He lay on his side atop the couch parallel from me, and his eyes were closed. "I'm going to sleep, but you can keep your lamp and computer on," he offered. I considered this, then slid my laptop under the couch and zipped up my onesie to my chin, saying, "No, I'll sleep as well." Now it was Connor's turn to protest, but I silenced him by saying, "Connah, just sleep." He hesitated, then closed his eyes again and nodded, snuggling down. I looked at his face, studying every detail before flipping off my light and laying on my back. I realized something then, as I started to slip away into the clutches of sleep. I realized that Connor Joel Franta was going to be a lot more trouble than I thought.

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