Chapter one

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I reached over to swat at whatever bug flew past my nose so I could fall back asleep. The insect was persistent causing me to slowly open one of my eyes. I let out a horrified scream as I woke up to see two eyes directly peering into my own. The person reached over and covered my mouth.

‘Shut up or you are going to wake everyone in the house up’

He slowly moved his hands away from my face. ‘Jase what the hell are you doing here?’ I glared into the boys eyes before sitting up and covering my mouth in horror.

‘Do you remember what happened last night Ivy?’ he looked me over meeting my blank eyes before continuing. ‘There was a party last night’ I nodded slowly, gently hitting my forehead it was throbbing like crazy. Stupid hangover.

‘Don’t tell me I did something dumb’ Jase wouldn’t meet my eyes

‘I did, didn’t I’ he nodded slowly.

‘Oh god, just tell me. Get it over with’

‘Well you were kind of pissed off about something last night so Nina and I-’

‘Nina? Nina? Where is she?’ I asked as I got up and out of bed and was met with a loud grunt.

‘Ow Ivy get off me’

‘Nina? Nina what are you doing down there?’

‘I’m not really sure’ Nina exclaimed

Jase stared at her, horrified asking ‘How the hell did you fit in that small gap between my bed and bedside table? And how the hell did you get in my house?’

‘Last night you took Ivy and I to your place after her little incident-‘

‘What incident?’ I cried before Jase stuck his fist in my mouth.

‘Stop yelling your gonna wake up my parents or worse my brother. They will kill me if they found out I let TWO girls sleep in my room’ I nodded guiltily. His parents didn’t like me very much and his little brother was a monster. That’s the nicest way I could put it.

‘How do you get all those girls to have sex with you and then sneak out of this place Mr. Player?’ Nina piped up. We both looked at him immensely curiously.

‘I have my ways’ He smirked before pointing to a tree next to his window. There was a tree house up there where Nina, Jase and I hung out as kids.

‘Ewww you take the girls there to have sex?’ Nina exclaimed, horrified. Jase just smirked.

‘My parents will never think to check there and no one can hear us from there either’ This earned Jase a smack from me.

‘We played there as kids, that place is sacred’

‘It sure is now, ow stop hitting me, the both of you’

‘I think I’m now scared for life’ I muttered

‘You know that’s nothing compared to what happened last night. Now I’ll go back to telling you what happened’

‘Wait, What you don’t remember what happened?’ Nina looked over at me, concerned.

‘Anyway last night you were kinda pissed off about some girl issue I’m guessing so we took you to a party to get you to lighten up a bit before school went back. Everything was ok for the first few hours but then you drank a lot. You told everyone about how you’ve never had a boyfriend or had sex or even kissed someone.’ I stood with my mouth agape I had never been so embarrassed in my life. I was 17 and had absolutely no contact with the opposite sex unless it was lies. Pretty sad for an almost eighteen year old, I know.

Jase continued ‘Yeah so everyone was laughing at you so a couple of senior boys decided to give you a couple of kisses. You made out with at least six people before Nina and I pulled you away.’

‘Oh god’ I looked towards the clock letting out a select few curse words. School started in ten minutes.

‘You left out the worst part Jase’

‘What Nina?’

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