Chapter 3

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‘How was the start of your day’s ladies?’ Jase queered.

‘Not too bad.’ I replied too tired to talk

‘Fantastic’ Nina exclaimed ‘I saw the new kids, a girl and guy. Wow the new boy he is a hottie and the new girl she is mighty fine’ Nina admitted to Jase and I making us smirk. She was the biggest gossip loving to talk about how hot or nice or sexy some girl or guy was.

‘What’s her name? Maybe I should ask her out’ Jase asked as Nina slapped him

‘What because you don’t have enough girls lining up and wanting to go on a date with you’ she hissed at him but I could only laugh. I was rewarded with one of Nina’s famous glares; if only looks could kill I’d be dead for sure.

‘That girl is mine’ she declared rather defiantly causing Jase to jump.

‘She must be really hot’ Jase muttered.

‘I heard that’ Nina remarked

‘So what does she look like?’ I asked

‘Blonde wavy hair, long sexy legs and huge blue eyes’ she replied in awe

‘Does she have big boobs?’ Jase asked earning him another smack.

‘Of course she does’ Nina replied.

‘Hey Ivy’ I glanced up recognising Heaths voice. He was a footy player that I'd rarely spoken to before. His chocolate brown eyes met my Ivy green ones.

‘I had a great time last night I just wanted to know if you were free tonight or something?’

I smiled at him ‘ah yeah mayb-‘

‘Piss off Heath’ Jase hissed causing the boy to smirk. Jase stood up threateningly and causing Health to strut off.

'Get that thing back in your pants you pig' Nina called after him

‘Don’t listen to them Ivy.' Jase consulted me. 'They only want to get into your pants. There’s been some nasty rumours going around the school since last night about you’

‘About me what?’

‘Being a bit a well bit of a well um a slut and kinda easy’

I fumed looking at Nina and Jase’s faces of pity. It only made me more upset. Why hadn’t I heard any rumours yet? Why was Jases the one who had to inform me? I got up and muffled something about needing to go to the bathroom.

Snide remarks followed me as I made my way to the rest room. Just before I opened the door someone planted a sloppy kiss on my mouth to my absolute horror. 

Think before you kissTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang