chapter 4

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recap: Snide remarks followed me as I made my way to the rest room. Just before I opened the door someone planted a sloppy kiss on my cheek.

I gasped in horror, letting out a squeal. I saw school captain and party boy Scott Mage move back from my lips and reach for my waist.

‘Let me go’ I squealed

‘Really come on girly I know you want me ‘

I sniggered ‘You wish’ attempting to sound more confident than I felt.

He didn’t back off. Goose bumps began to rise across my arms and leg as a horrified shiver ran down my spine.

I started pushing against him trying to escape. He had me locked between the wall and himself. A small crowd was beginning to gather. I cowered slightly wishing I’d asked Nina or Jase to accompany me. Scott beamed at the attention he was receiving and leaned forward to kiss me once more. His sloppy lips met my cheek as I attempted to shift away from him. I tried wriggling; even moving my hand to slap him but it was of no use. He had pinned me down, tightly gripping either side of my hands against my body.

‘Let me go, please’ I tried to meet his eyes pleading. I felt tears begin to well up. My checks were flushing bright pink. All I wanted to do was get out of there. I held back a sob.

‘Oh how very sweet Ivy girl but I’m not done with you yet’ He reached for my neck and sucked. I knew he was going to leave a huge hickey. His hands were gripping my wrists so tightly it began to hurt.

Then, it all happened so suddenly. Someone swept through the crowd and pushed Scott away, sending him flying into the female toilets. The crowd erupted in applause. Oh how I wished. They actually cried out in shouts of anger.

The mystery hero  then grabbed me and dragged me away from the enormous mass of people. I was amazingly taken to one of the quieter hallways where I was finally able to meet my hero’s eyes.

‘Logon is that you, wow thanks’ I replied shakily.

‘Are you okay?’ He asked. He was still grasping my hand. He glanced at my bruised wrists and swore.

‘Yes i..I...i’m fine’ I announced hoping he'd stop looking at my wrists.He glanced away from my wrists and looked over me. He huffed in agreement then swept down the hall dragging me in his wake.

‘Am I able to ask where we are going? And Thank you, again by the way but-’ He didn’t reply. We went around the school until we reached an empty classroom where he pulled me inside.

‘I said thankyou for saving me but, that doesn’t give you permission to man handle me and drag me  around the school’

He raised an eyebrow at me and gave me a toothy grin.

‘Are you going to say something? Are you in shock or something. I know I was the one in the middle of that and all but-’

He raised his finer to my lips and hushed.

‘That’s ok, I mean me saving you and all. I try my best to be noble and all that kinda stuff.' It was now my turn to raise my eyebrow.

‘So why did you drag me here then?”

‘I..I’ he faltered ‘I don’t know. I just felt the need to get you out of there. As far away as possible. I mean I couldn’t let my media partner, my partner in crime, get hurt, right?’

I was absolutely bewildered. I had no idea how to process what he had just blurted out. He looked at me through a couple of stray hairs that fell across his forehead.

Oh he looked so cute.

‘Ah well this has been great but –‘

‘Why was that pretty boy harassing you?’

‘There was a party on the weekend and well I drank so yeah’ I glanced away my cheeks heating up.

He smirked ‘I didn’t take you for that type of a person’

“Usually I’m not’


‘Yes usually. I’m kinda nerdy’



We stared at each other awkwardly as my feet unconsciously dragged me back towards the classroom door as the bell sweetly sung.

‘Thank you but I have got to go to class’

‘Sure you do’

‘I do’

‘Ok then go I’ll catch you later’

 ‘Bye’ I replied as I quickly backed out the door and collided into someone. I rubbed my forehead and realised I’d knocked them and myself to the floor.

‘Great’ I sarcastically remarked ‘sorry’ I looked over and saw Jase sprawled across the ground. Just my luck. He was chuckling at my clumsiness but his eyes held a serious edge.

‘Are you ok Ivy I just heard what happened and came to find you’

At that moment Logan came out of the classroom and saw us on the floor. He started laughing and offering me and Jase his hand as he pulled us up. Jase eyed him suspiciously and muttered thanks.

Logan looked over at me. ‘Aren’t you just a magnet for trouble’

‘What? No’

‘Parties, Drinking, Kissing, Tripping’ he chuckled as he walked off. I groaned I was not trouble. It was everything around me.

‘He’s kinda right’ Jase remarked, reading my thoughts. I glared.

‘No I’m not. I’m a good girl. I read. I study. I hardly go to parties. I...’

Jase cut me off. ‘Of course you are not trouble miss goody two shoes’ He announced dramatically.

‘I think we just missed art’ I sighed realising from his watch that the bell had rung for the end of the period not for the end of lunch.

‘Not so goody goody any more, are we?’ He cried as he pulled me off to drama. I sighed when was this day ever going to end.

Think before you kissHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin