Chapter five

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Chapter 5

I flopped onto my bed once I arrived home. After last night’s party shenanigans and today’s mishaps at school I was ready to flake it. My parents weren’t home from work yet and my goofy older brother could be anywhere from being passed out on his bed to lying in some random gutter anywhere in the city.

I figured I’d have a quick nap before my parents came home and before I would have to explain why I was out last night and didn’t come home.

My parents actually trust me. I know shocking right? After mainly achieving straight A’s and constantly helping out around the house my parents hadn’t minded my constant sleepovers at Nina’s place.

Dad was absolutely against Jase’s place so telling him that I slept over at Nina’s last night via text was absolutely vital to Jase being able to keep his neck. Though to be utterly honest if Dad had known which team Nina played for he probably wouldn’t be so willing to let me spend the night there either.

I curled up on top of my doona where the sunlight filtered in from my window and heated me up. I quickly dozed off.

While I dream I’ll fill you in on some details of my life because I know how much you want to know. My mum works at a cafe down the road, mainly throughout the day. She used to be a stay at home mum but as me and my older brother Joe grew she figured a little extra income wouldn’t go astray.

It was pretty lucky for me that she’d managed to get a job there because it enabled me to get a job there to. I couldn’t stand the idea of having to work at a fast food store after previously working at McDonalds. I swear I can smell McDonald’s stores from kilometres around and avoid them at all costs. After I quit it took several months for me to get the smell out of my room after having worked up to seven hours a day for five days a week.

Before you go judging me and my family saying that were poor and all, we are not. Nor are we really rich or anything special really. I was working, by choice, to save up to travel to Europe for a month with a program that I had joined at school. My parents fairly said I could go but on the condition I pay for it. I went there almost coming on two years ago now and am about ready for another holiday.

Dad on the other hand owns and works at a pharmacy across from the cafe. He and mum always get lunch together, which I think is awful sweet. As for my brother he graduated high school a year ago and hasn’t bothered to do anything since. He drinks every second day and I even think he has started taking some sort of drugs but I hope I’m wrong.

 He has been really down in the dumps every since his girlfriend, of four years, broke up with him just after high school. She was moving overseas for university and didn’t think a long term relationship would work. I understood that but I feel much more went down between her and Joe to get him acting up this way for so long. I loved him, so I have given him space for almost a year now and if I find him in a compromising space any time soon I’ve told him he has to spill the beans on what really happened. I hate seeing him look so down.

 Why he had promised was an interesting story and because you’re nosy I guess I will have to tell you later why he promised. Ok I was just kidding I will tell you now.

A month ago I was walking to the bus stop to meet up with Jase and Nina at a cheap restaurant down the road when a kid ran past me and knocked me over AND believe it or not that crazy kid happened to be Joe.

He apologised a million times once he realised it was me. I don’t know if he would have stopped if I hadn’t called out to him once I recognised it was him. He rushed over to help me because he actually cares heaps for his little sister. As depressed as he feels he still always looks out for me.

I got a look at his bruised face and fearful expression. I had opened my mouth to ask what had happened to his cheeky face but was suddenly cut off by the screeching of a car. Before I had even had a chance to blink and register what had happened Joe had scoped me up and had begun to ran like a mad man. I was too surprised to even scream.

We had reached our car, which was magically was meters away, where he slid me inside and hit the accelerator.  He pulled off some serious mad driving turns and skids that I didn’t even know was possible before we were finally able to out run the car tailing us. I was shaking in my boots.

I had blurted out 100000000000000000 questions to Joe when we came to a stop. He had winced at all the questions but never replied. I got him to swear to tell me what was up. He said to forget about today and he would no longer be messed up in that ‘shit’ so I managed to get him to agree to spill if I found out he was still involved in this unknown madness. I think I was too shaken up about what had happened to question him further.

Still until today I feel scared about what had occurred. Just the expression on Joes face was enough to give me nightmares. So now I’m having nightmares thanks to you because you made me tell the story while I was sleeping ... thanks.

I rolled over and woke up to be facing an enormous horse. Just joking it was my dog ‘Mega Woof’. He’s a Great Dane ... in other words an enormous dog. He was licking my face with his huge tongue that slobbered all over me. It was as though I’d been in the rain. I groaned, feeling annoyed that I’d now need to have a shower.

I blasted Taylor Swift as I did some dramatic dance moves. I sang loudly as water engulfed my body.

After ten minutes ... ok an hour I clambered out of the shower and turned the music down just as I heard a knock at the front door.

Thanks for reading. Let me know what you think if I should continue or not Thank you :) <3

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 07, 2013 ⏰

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