Dance Battle(3) Chapter 5

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(Start video this is how they're dancing both groups the girls are doing what the girl is doing and the boys doing what the boy is doing) .

Jack's POV

So after we were done dancing together everybody was cheering for us then we went into separate groups again. Then North came in the middle of us and it was time to judge who won .

North: ok the both groups did an amazing job

Girls: thanks

Boys: thanks

North: ok If you vote for the girls make some noise

Everybody: * cheers*

North: if you vote for the boys make some noise

Everybody: * cheers*

North: looks like we have a tie

Elsa; that's cool with me

Jack: me too good job

Elsa: you to

Punzie: I don't think I will be dancing anymore tonight i'm pooped

Elsa: I know I can drink 5 gallons of water

Mer: you want to sit the rest of the party

Elsa: yeah that sounds great

Jack: we'll join you

We all walked over to the couches and sat down I sat next to Elsa of course and she was really tiered she danced so hard core and so did I . We all were just sitting there relaxing and resting from dancing so much .

Elsa: what time is it

Jack: 12:00am

Elsa: this party will last until 2:00am

Jack: yep

Elsa: i'm really tiered tho

Jack: it's ok you can go to sleep

Then Elsa got up and got on my lap and laid her down on my chest and went to sleep I was shocked at first then I just kissed her forehead and let her sleep .

Punzie: OMG Jelsa

Jack: shhhh Elsa is asleep

Mer: awww someone watching out for his girlfriend

Jack: she's not my girlfriend

Punzie: we know you want her to

Jack: ok so I do but we just met like two days ago

Mer: true anyway I think I'm gonna be asleep in 3 , 2, 1 * goes to sleep*

Punzie; I still don't get how she does that

Jack: beats me

Flynn: i'm gonna go to sleep now

Punzie: ok

Then Flynn went to sleep Hic was already asleep then Punzie soon went to sleep so I decided to go to sleep as well .

***** Morning*****

Elsa's POV

I woke up and I looked at where I was I was in the globe room and I was still in my cloths from the party. I looked down and I was sitting on Jack's lap I remembered last night and blushed I got up and went to my room. I took a shower and got dressed in some stay in the house cloths because I don't plan on going anywhere today . I went back to the globe room and the other were awake now and Jack, Punzie, an Mer were in some different cloths now so I guess they did what did .

Elsa: hey guys

Mer: hey Els

Punzie: hi Elsie

Jack: hey snowflake

Elsa: snowflake

Jack: yeah a nickname for you do you like it

Elsa: yeah

Punzie: aww he made a nickname for her

Mer: Punzie stop fangirling over them all the time they are odviously annoyed by it

Jack: thank you

Elsa: so you guys plan on staying inside today

Jack: yeah i'm still sore from dancing so much

Elsa: ikr my arms and legs ache

Punzie: mine to

Mer: me to

Flynn: I think i'm gonna go back to sleep

Hic: me to

Elsa: what time is it

Jack: 6:00am

Elsa; yeah me to

Jack: I think we should all go back to sleep

Punzie: yeah see you guys later

Elsa; yeah later

Mer: later dudes

Me and the others went to our rooms and went back to sleep I think we're gonna be sleep for the rest of the day .

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