Genius and the Snob (1)

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If you haven't read 1-800-Cinderella then this will be kind of confusing probably. So, here is Ben in my new rendition of Beauty and the Beast. Tell me what you think :)

There are two things that I’m certain about in my mind right now. One would be that I’m quite sure that it was someone’s birthday yesterday and that person was important. Of course that would mean that I completely messed up and forgot to say happy birthday to that person. The second thing was that I was going to go to jail as a young philosopher because I was going to kill Bridget if she didn’t shut her mouth.

“If it isn’t Bennie Winnie,” Bridget cooed, setting her hands on her quite voluptuous hips if I might add. She was tall, blonde, and perfect. I could tell the whole world how wretched she was as an individual but she’d always be hot and it was such a shame. Not my type, but still good to look at, but not great to hear.

“For the last time, Bridget, my name is Ben, stop adding all of the childish assets to it.” I rolled my eyes, bending over to pick up my books to put them in my bag.

“Let me help you out.” Bridget winked and bent over, her buttox in my face as her skirt lifted up to reveal a very nice pair of pink polka dotted undies. I cleared my throat, turning away. “Here you go.” She placed my last two books into my hands.

“Thank you, Bridget. I’d recommend some shorts if you’re going to wear a skirt that short.” I adjusted my glasses on my face and turned to leave the room.

“Well, Bennie Winnie isn’t such a nerd after all, is he? Like what you see?” she purred.

I turned around in the doorway to raise an eyebrow at her. She has no effect on me when she talks this way. “Bridget… For the last time, it’s Ben. Secondly, if you’re going to put your bottom in my face, I’m going to look. I may be a genius but I am still a man.” I snorted.

“A man you are indeed.” She licked her lips and I shook my head.

“Bye, Bridget.” I practically ran out of the room. Graciousness, she made my palms sweat which meant that she made me nervous, which meant… she did have an effect on me after all. This was not good.

Bridget had control of a lot of men at this academy and I refuse to be next. I like being Ben the good kid who aces a trigonometry exam like I have done today. Smiling with pride I headed for my locker to find Jack texting on his cell phone.

“Jack,” I called to him, as I opened up my locker. He didn’t even move to take a breath. “Jack!” I yelled in his face.

Jack jumped, his cell phone slipping out of his hands. Before it could hit the ground, Marianne swiped it up and into her hands. Jack swallowed, hard and I smiled.

“Good afternoon, Marianne,” I greeted. Marianne scared everyone because she was what you would call, goth. I think she just had a nice inkling for the darker side of life and what was wrong with that?

“Hello, Ben, always such a light soul, it’s refreshing.” Marianne handed Jack his phone and then her eyes latched onto something farther down the hall. I turned back to find Bridget yelling at some poor girl for knocking into her. I sighed. “Those with dark souls should be punished.”

“What color is your soul?” Jack muttered under his breath. I snickered.

Slowly, Marianne turned her head to glare at him through tiny evil slits. “My soul is black, actually.”

“But you just said--”

“I meant as in what your soul means. Her soul is red, which means she thrives on attention and torturing the weak. Mine is black for I am sensitive to the souls around me.”

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