Genius and the Snob (2)

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“Bennie Winnie!” Bridget’s screeching voice appeared right in front of my face as she slammed a paper down onto my desk. I jumped in surprise, adjusting my glasses with my nerves. Crud, my palms were sweating again. She was too much to handle so early in the day. Okay, it’s one in the afternoon, but still.

“B-Bridget, what do you want?” I gawked at her.

Today she was dressed in a form fitting yellow dress to go along with her yellow blonde hair. Her face was heavily made up and on her feet were a pair of flats. Her pink coated lips pouted at me as she pointed down at the piece of paper she slammed down on my desk. “Bennie, if I don’t pass English, I can’t go to Vancouver this Winter. Will you please help me?” she whined, blinking her heavily mascaraed lashes.

“Um…” I scratched my head, refusing to fall into her charms like everyone else. She always tried to guilt me into something. Who cares about her Vancouver trip anyways? “Bridget, I’m sorry, I have a load of work of my own to uphold and I can’t be distracted by your little basic English work, okay?” I gave her a sympathetic smile and then returned to my current work at hand, world history.

“If you do not help me with my English, Ben…” I looked up to find her eyes squinted into evil slits. I cringed away from her. “I will tell everyone about that one time you dug into the trashcan,” she threatened.

I gawked. “That was because you threw my binder in there!”

“Yeah! Well they don’t know that!” She stomped her foot, her face turning red with her anger.

“Bridget, use Google. It’s not that hard.”

“If it’s not that hard, then why don’t you do it, hm?” She cocked her head to the side.

“Because it’s your work.” I snorted. She was really irritating me today.

“I’ll pay you!”

“I’m already rich, I don’t need your money!” I spat at her.

“In trident layers!”

“Bridget, go away, now.” I rolled my eyes.

“Bennie, please!” She grabbed my hands and pouted so fiercely at me that I had to blink to see if this was really even happening. Everyone in class was staring at us and she had no shame as she mercilessly threw herself at me to do her work. Marianne was glaring and it was kind of scary.

“I can’t! Bridget, just go back to your seat and pay someone else to do it! Oh, pay Jack, he needs the money.” Killing two birds with one stone. I smiled at my tactfulness.

Deflated, Bridget’s arms slid down to her sides and her shoulders hunched in, her face losing its light. “But I want you to do it,” she said so softly I had to wait a moment for my brain to register that she had even said what she said.

“Why?” I whispered.

“Because…” She shuffled her feet, blushing a light pink. “I like you, Ben. And I wouldn’t want anyone to help me pass a class more than I’d want you.” She bit her lip and she was so stunningly beautiful that I had to take a few deep breaths before responding.

I’ve watched enough movies to know what this was. “Why, Bridget, of course I’ll help you.”

“Really?” Bridget gasped and then she laughed. “I mean, aw, really, Bennie Winnie?”

“Of course, but only if you do me one little favor.”

“Anything.” She nodded.

“Cut the crap about liking me because I know you talk to Lance.”

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