Genius and the Snob (3)

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This took me FOREVER and it isn't even that long. I don't know... I just could not focus. But I finally finished. :D

Peace. Quiet. Serenity. That’s what history class has been like for the past three days. The funny thing was that I thought absolutely nothing of it. I simply just found it to be a great fortune of good luck. But today when I went to my locker, meeting up with Jack, and Marianne popping up out of absolutely nowhere as usual did it click in my head. The reason why things were so peaceful was because Bridget was not around.

I froze and then a smile broke across my face. Maybe she fell into the washing machine. No, she would never do laundry, she’d be scared she’d break a nail. Maybe she got electrocuted or badly carpet burned from karma. She could be in critical condition and out for the rest of the year. My smile grew wider and I headed to the rest of my classes for the day with a pep in my step.

At the end of the day, Marianne handed me a package, shoving it into my arms.

“What is this?” I looked up and into her dark eyes, her face placated and calm. She was wearing a black flowing dress that stopped at the knees with fishnets and boots. Always so Goth.

“I have something to do, and I really need to deliver this package. Could you please do it for me, Ben?” She blinked her eyes at me and never did she look more beautiful to me than she did right at this moment. Her face was soft and patient.

“Why don’t you just use UPS or FedEx. They deliver you know?” I whispered, surprised I was even able to say a coherent sentence.

“I want you to deliver it, Ben.” Marianne placed her hand over mine and I grew warm all over, coughing away my blush. “Will you please take it to the address on the box for me? I’ll owe you one.” I nodded robotically, unable to speak. Her hand was soft and firm. “Thank you, Ben.” She reached up on her tiptoes to peck my cheek and then she was off before I could even attempt to say you welcome.

Dazed, I shook my head and then headed for Mandy’s waiting car. I was so glad that the day was over. I slid into the passenger seat, the package in my lap.  

Mandy looked down at it and then at me before starting the car. “What’s in the box? A new science kit?”

“No, I’m delivering this for a...friend.” Marianne was a friend I guess.

Mandy threw me a look. “Are you a drug dealer, Ben?”

“What?” I hissed.

“You’re being all suspicious, holding things for a friend...If you’re being bullied into it, you can tell me. I won’t let them hurt you.” She placed her free hand on my wrist, holding on tight.

“Mandy!” I snatched my hand away. “I’m not a drug dealer. I’m pretty sure it’s something Goth or something in this box. Are you going to help me deliver this or what?”

Mandy sighed. “I guess.” Her face settled into a weary frown.

“What’s wrong?” I raised an eyebrow.

She didn’t answer for a while, just driving in silence, every now and then looking back at my box for the address taped to it. “I’ve always wanted to be a mother, Ben. Always,” she confessed, her voice soft and saddened. My eyebrows furrowed. Trevor still didn’t want to try and conceive a child with her? “I went to the doctor today…” She swallowed, looking straight through the windshield. “I can’t have children, Ben. After all this time fighting with Trevor over this and I can’t even have children.” Her hand tightened on the steering wheel and I placed my hand over hers for comfort. With teary eyes she gave me the best smile she could manage.

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