Genius and the Snob (4)

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Sorry for the delay. College is no joke. VOTE. COMMENT. Let me know what you think.

                I watched in silence as Trevor chopped each and every onion before throwing it into the skillet on the stove behind him. I wanted to say something to him about Mandy. I felt it was my place to be involved for this was an opportunity for me to have an actual sibling. I mean, Cindy’s future child would be my cousin. And if Morgan has a child it would only be my half sibling anyways. So I guess this was something I could talk about with my father, right?

                The thing about Trevor and I was that we usually didn’t talk about the hard things. It was easier this way. Just as when I was sent to live with Trevor after the messy trial involving everyone I have ever known as a little kid happened, we didn’t talk about it. We just discussed the present matter at the time which was whether I wanted my room painted blue or green. This is a problem, because now I’m not sure how to discuss trivial matters with my father for it has never been done before. But I’m a genius, right? This shouldn’t be too hard.

                I cleared my throat and Trevor looked up at me, his plain blue shirt with a pocket on the left breast clinging to his muscles. He works out a lot, probably to get rid of all of his stress. It’s weird that he’s home now. Ah! Can’t get distracted. Must discuss baby issue with the parental.

                “So…” I started, scratching my head.

                “What’s up?” He threw away all of the parts of the onions he didn’t want, moving on to season the meat in front of him.

                “Um…” This was harder than I thought. Trevor raised an eyebrow and I sighed. “Look, it’s freaking scary to try and talk to you about serious things…dad,” I swallowed.

                “And why is that?” Trevor snorted.

                I rolled my eyes. I hated when he talked to me like I am one of his employees. “Because we never talk about serious things.”

                “Why do you think that is?” His hands slowly marinated the meat.

                “Stop talking to me like I am one of your employees, dad!” I groaned, throwing my hands up into the air and then letting them slap back down at my sides.

                Trevor sighed and wiped his hands off on a napkin, looking over at me from across the counter. “What, Ben? What do you want to talk about?”

                “Do you even love Mandy or was she just a rebound for Cindy?” I blurted out.

                Trevor’s eyes grew wide and his jaw went hard. “Excuse me?”

                “Just answer it. You want to talk and I’m talking. Part of talking requires both parties to answer questions, give feedback.”

                “Don’t spout your genius ideals at me right now, Ben. Why would you think that I don’t love Mandy?”

                “Because…This baby—”

                “The baby…This is what this is about?”

                “You have Mandy all out and alone with this. Where are you?”

                Trevor slammed his fist down onto the counter and I jumped. “I let my job go for her, for us. So that I could be with her more. I’m fucking cooking dinner, Ben. What do you guys want from me, huh? You want something signed in blood? What? What else can I do to appease you both?” He ran a frustrated and shaky hand through his hair. I’ve never seen him this…out of control. “I am doing the best I can. You don’t think I hurt too? I can’t conceive a child with the woman I love. I messed up my first time with Morgan, but I don’t regret you, Ben, I don’t. But now that I have the chance to have a child with a woman I actually want I can’t even have that.” He barked out a dark laugh. “It’s like God’s way of punishing me for being a horny teenager.” He grew a bland smile.

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